first date

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- South Park High's Homecoming Dance

turns out South Park won against North Park. stan wasn't kidding about taking you to homecoming either. you two had exchanged numbers after the game and you two had been talking frequently.

tonight was the night of the homecoming dance. stan picked you up at 8 in his dad's pick up truck. when he saw you, he almost brought back his disgusting habit of throwing up on the girl he liked. "you" He breathed, taking your appearance in. you just giggled and shook your head. "you don't look too bad yourself stan."


- A Party

bebe stevens had thrown a party and kyle wanted you to go with him. you both would rather have stayed home, but kyle had already promised stan he would go. most of the night, you two sat on the loveseat and got to know each other. bebe tried to get you guys to play truth or dare with everyone but you just weren't having it.

when kyle took you home, he walked you to the door where you two stood and talked some more. your mother was already fast asleep after you told her not to wait up. finally you worked up the courage to kiss him goodnight, both of you promising to see the other soon.


- Movie Marathon

you and kenny both agreed it would be best for him to come over to your house and binge watch some movies. you had both decided on The Nightmare on Elm Street series. you started out on opposite ends of the couch but by the end of the first movie kenny was laying on his side and your back was pressed against his front. the both of you had completely forgotten about the snacks and drinks on the coffee table.

of course, kenny being kenny, he copped a feel or two. he even snuck his hand into your shorts but we're gonna keep this PG-13...for now. after the fourth movie, you had fallen asleep, leaving kenny to finish the movies by himself.



although cartman really slimmed down since elementary school, he still loved food. you two shared a giant bucket of chicken. he ate all the skin of course. not that you minded ( which he loved about you ). you two didn't really talk. you just sat in comfortable silence. when you did talk it was about your mom or his mom.

eventually, the topic changed to cartman being on the football team. he seemed to really like it and that's how he lost all of his fat. you promised him that you'd watch one of his games. he even asked you if you wanted to wear his football jersey. of course you did! ( god this one's cringy )


- Just Hanging Out At His House

craig had invited you over to his house to hang out. nerves were getting the best of you because you two would be alone. his sister was out with his mom and his dad was at work. so you two would be completely and utterly alone. you knocked on his front door, gnawing on your bottom lip. he answered the door, his blue chullo hat nowhere to be found. "come in."

you two mostly sat on his bed, playing on your phones. on your phone, you both took selfies and you took tons of videos of him, posting them on your snapchat story. when you were somewhat ready to go, Craig held you hostage. he didn't want you to leave :(


- Taco Bell

man does this boy like tacos. once you two walked into taco bell, he looked like he had just entered heaven. when you laughed at him he simply winked. "don't worry babe, i like you more than tacos." you pushed him playfully, grinning. you didn't tell him but that little comment was what made you fall in love with him.

you two spent most of the date eating tacos and making jokes. at one point you two blew straw wrappers at eachother. clyde told you about his friends and you told him about yours. when you both decided the date was over, he took you home and you guys had a makeout session on your porch swing ;)


- A Football Game

it was the last game of the season and tweek had promised clyde he'd be there. tweek had been meaning to ask you out on a date for a while now so he asked if you would go with him and of course you said yes. who would ever say no to Tweek? so there you guys were, huddled together on the bleachers.

tweek had finally worked up the courage to wrap an arm around you. turns out you were a huge football fan. every time the Cows got a touchdown, you shot up and screamed as loud as you could.


- His Parent's Gala

his parents had thrown some fancy gala and token really didn't want to deal with all those snobby people alone. you were obviously his first choice. you were excited to go especially because it was token who had asked you. another plus was his parents were happy that token finally had a girlfriend.

the whole night was spent listening to people talk about their accomplishments, but for once token wasn't dying of boredom. most of the time, he was staring at you. he thought it was cute that you were actually paying attention to the people on the stage. even if they were talking about boring things like what award they won or what charity they were donating to.


- A Play

damien took you to go see Romeo and Juliet which turned out to be a flop. you two got bored halfway through and left. after that he took you to Dairy Queen and you guys shared a large blizzard. "sorry the play sucked." you two sat side by side, your thighs touching. "don't apologize. i'm just glad i got to spend time with you."

at your house, you were shocked to find your parents and satan waiting for you two. they had even eavesdropped on you two outside, hoping to see a kiss or two. they were in luck. damien had pulled you in for one, very long kiss. no parent was left disappointed.


- Ice Skating at Stark's Pond

a friend of yours told him you liked ice skating so he wanted to take you. but the poor thing didn't know how himself so you had to help him. you both had a lot of fun, you more than him. butters fell a lot and by the time you were both done his face was red with embarassment. you assured him that it was okay and you had fun teaching him.

when you got home, you gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him light up like a christmas tree. this caused you to giggle at him which made him blush even darker. he thought your giggle was really cute but he was too shy to tell you that.

Comment your favorite food 🍔


I really like chinese food

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