what their parents think of you

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   randy is y'alls number one fan. he's always watching you two with an awed look. he's literally regina george's mom. "do you two need anything? a snack? condoms? oh they grow up so fast."

   sharon is fine as long as stan's happy and he's treating you right. you're like her second daughter. she stays inviting your family over to dinner so she can get to know them better.


   gerald could honestly care less. kyle could be dating a trash bag and he wouldn't bat an eye.

   sheila is wary of you. she just doesn't want her bubby to get hurt. whenever you're over, she makes kyle keep his door open and she'll find any excuse she can to check on you two.


   boy you know his parents don't give a fuck. but karen loves you ❤ and sometimes his dad makes dirty comments towards you two.


   liane absolutely adores you. she already has a scrapbook full of ideas for when you and cartman get married. she's always asking cartman about you. when she isn't asking him about you, you're sitting at her dinner table.


   honestly, thomas is happy that his son isn't gay. other than that he doesn't really care.

   laura loves you! she's like a second mother, always fussing over you and making sure you eat well.


   his dad doesn't care and his mom...died.


   both of his parents like you. you usually hang around the coffee shop and wait for tweek. if both of them aren't there, one of them is. richard always sparks up a conversation with you about coffee beans in the amazon...


   his parents adore you. they're always pestering token to invite you to some fancy dinner or some gala. his mom always invites you to cooking classes or sewing classes with her so you two can hang out alone. and his dad offered you an internship at his job.


   dude,, satan is completely in love with you,, platonically of course. he pleads with damian to bring you down to hell once in a while so he can talk to you. whenever you do visit satan, he usually asks for relationship advice since you and damian have stayed together for so long.


   they like you,, just not your relationship with butters. they're always nagging at you that you deserve better than their wimp of a son. this usually makes you angry which results in an argument or a raising of voices. most of the time you leave with a crying butters on your tail.


   chris hasn't told his mom about you. yes,, he loves you but he doesn't want his other favorite woman to be involved with you just yet. therefore, you're stuck in the dark and so is she.

omg hi. this was requested by oof_southpark. i would like to apologize for being so slow with requests i just haven't been as interested in south park but don't worry babes i'm back!!

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