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"It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. You may not sleep as well at night, but you will be fine. Numb, but numb and fine are the same."



I'm here for you, I love you. I don't care if I need to stay up all night with you while you cry. If you need the medication again, go ahead and take it. I will love you through that, as well. If you don't need the medication, I'll love you too. There's nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die. And after your death I will still protect you.

- Anonymous

As she read that letter she ran into the girls bathroom, locking herself in a stall trying not to sob too loud. How could this boy love her? She was worthless. She was nothing.

She says she's fine but she's going insane. She says she feels good but she's really in a lot of pain. She says it's nothing but it's really a lot. She says she's okay, but she's really not.

Calum stood a few feet away from her locker, he felt so guilty for making her run away and cry. But she had to know that she was loved and cared about.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes leaning against the wall. He quickly took a pen and a piece of paper, making sure nobody was around he wrote another note for her.


I didn't want to make you cry.. I feel like a piece of shit. I'm so sorry. I know it's hard for you to believe but I do love you.. I promise soon we will meet and when we do please don't hate me..

P.S. Please don't hurt yourself tonight, if you want too, think of me...



He felt like he owed it to her to give her a clue. He walked over to her locker, 12B, and slid it in one of the small cracks.

She had been in there a while, her cuts were burning from last night. She hated the after affect, but at the moment when she does it she feels like she can actually breathe clearly for once.

She walked out, nobody was there seeing it was lunch and everyone usually left the school grounds. But she stayed behind, or usually wandered off to the library. Alone.

She whimpered seeing a new note in her locker, she read the letter and sucked in a breath.


Does your name begin with c? I would appreciate if you could just tell me who you are.. I really don't want to be played again..

How can I believe you love me when you won't even tell me who the hell you are? You confuse me so much. Don't feel bad that you've made me cry, I'm just too emotional for my own good..

P.s. I'll keep it in mind..



a/n; Hi, hope you liked it. It's a really emotional story for me.

Anonymous ✧ Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now