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"Just tired," She muttered but you could tell it was just not a lack of sleep but a lack of hope and happiness that made her act the way she did." - (h.m)


As their eyes met she gasped, quickly turning back to her locker trying to steady her breathing. She couldn't believe her eyes, Calum Hood was the guy in love with her. She couldn't wrap her head around it, she'd only talked to him once or twice in class but never had a full conversation with the guy.

Calum couldn't believe she figured it out before he actually had a plan to meet somewhere with her. He suddenly felt uneasy and nervous of what she would do or think.. Pushing the nerves away he made his way to Katie. Clearing his throat, and tapped her shoulder which made her jump out of her skin.

She turned around seeing him, everyone becoming quiet in the hallway. Staring at them, whispering.

"W-What do you want?" She stuttered out, she was very nervous since nobody tried to talk to her or be her friend. They only talked to her when they beat her up. But not even then would they directly speak to her.

He sighed closing his eyes, "This is really not how I wanted things to turn out, Katie. I wanted to tell you in the letters where to meet me and I wanted to plan something beautiful for you because you deserve it. But now you've figured me out and I'm manning up so here I am, I love you. I'm so fucking in love with you it's crazy. I never thought I could love someone this much but I do." His voice coming out deeper than she remembered, gently he inched closer to her.

Everyone was still staring at them closely.

"Everyone is looking Calum, just go. It'll ruin your reputation, please don't ruin yourself for me." She harshly spoke, she wanted him to stay. She really did, but she couldn't ruin his high school experience just because hers has been shit why should his be?

So she did what she normally does. She closed her locker and walked away leaving the boy stunned and speechless. Just as she was halfway down the hall she heard a voice calling for her. His voice.

"Katie! God dammit wait!" He shouted pushing everyone out of his way, drawing even more attention than earlier. Her eyes started to water, why doesn't he get the hint? He's going to ruin himself just for me? A pathetic suicidal girl? She thought.

"Katie," He panted grabbing her wrist and pulling her into him for a hug. Suddenly loud gasps were heard throughout the hallway, making Katie sob into his chest. It was too late, she knew he was ruined the moment he went up to her and talked to her.

She heard what all the people were saying, 'Why is Calum with that freak?' 'I bet he just wants a fuck and dump' 'She's ugly, why is he with her' etc. She needed him to stop.

"Stop! Why are you doing this? You'll be made fun of over me? I-I don't want you to do this for me please leave me alone." She spoke into his neck, her tears coming more frequent now.

"No. I've told you this before and I'll tell you again. I love you, and I'm not going to leave you, I'm here now baby. Let me take care of you, please." He mumbled into my hair.

All she could do was cry harder, as the bell rang everyone cleared out of the hallway except them. They stayed in each others arms. For once she felt comfort in her life, his arms were so warm and were wrapped around her protectively like he was scared she was going to vanish into thin air.

"Okay," She mumbled. "You can take care of me.." She pulled away slightly to see his face. Grinning he squeezed her waist more, planting a kiss on her cheek. She blushed, looking at his features.

"I won't let you down, baby girl."


a/n; what a cheese ball. So cheesy oh lord, I'm sorry, I didn't know how to write this it's two something in the morning haha 🌌

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