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"There are days that make you feel like there is no happiness on the horizon."


As the day went on Calum stayed by her side most of the time, they only parted ways once she had a different class which wasn't very often. She saw all the looks that were sent towards their way, and to say she felt awful was a understatement.

I mean she finally had someone by her side, but she didn't want it to happen like this.. She didn't want him to feel like he HAD to stay with her all the time.. She was confused, she wanted to talk to him to figure it all out. It happened all so fast she didn't know what was really happening at the moment.

"Calum," She sighed tugging on his sleeve. He seemed to have been lost in his world so she called for him again and this time he looked down at her puzzled.

"Huh?" He blushed. "We need to talk, I'm confused and we need to work things out please can we go? We only have one period left." She murmured biting her lip, her eyelashes fluttering innocently.

"Oh uh- yeah let's go," He stuttered. Grabbing her hand, practically running out of the school, until he was stopped by the one voice he was dreading to hear.

Derek Hughes.

"What the fuck do you want Derek?" He spat, tugging Katie behind his back. Derek smirked, "Well, Well what do we have here? The pathetic Katie and mr.Calum Hood, what are you two dating?" He snickered at the two.

Katie was trembling Calum could feel it his arms. Calum didn't know what Derek did to her - but what he did was disgusting.

"Katie, how nice to see you.. I haven't seen you since our last rendez-vous." He smirked, Calum tightened his grip on her, his jaw clenching. He was confused, she was crying into the back of his shirt. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He spat getting angrier by the second.

"Katie I want you to tell your little pathetic boyfriend what we've been doing." She trembled even more.

"N-No," She stuttered, wiping her eyes. She heard Derek make a 'tsk tsk' noise before two guys ripped her from Calum. She screamed at the contact, "Calum!" She struggled, her voice cracking.

He launched forward trying to get past Derek, but Derek only punched him in the stomach. He tumbled over slightly. He wasn't going to give up. He promised.

He threw a punch at Derek, but he blocked it. Next blow was to Calum's nose, which made him groan and Katie cry out as she saw this going down because of her.

"Calum!" She choked out, her sobs becoming more frequent. Calum was on the floor now, getting punched over and over again in the face. Derek got up and kicked him the ribs multiple times, "You're hurting me! Stop touching him!" She shouted. Once Derek was walking towards her, Calum sneaked up on him and threw him down. Now he was punching him repeatedly.

Katie kneed the goons in the crotch. Making them let her go she scrambled towards Calum, "C'mon, Cal. Let's go." She whispered in his ear, he nodded she grabbed his hand pulling him away.

They got into his car, no words were spoken on the way to his. She glanced over at his swollen face. His hands clenched around the steering wheel, his lips tight in a straight line.

They arrived shortly after, his house looked nice and cozy, he got out of the car quickly slamming the door making her flinch, she quickly followed him inside.

"Calum? Where are you?" She called softly, not wanting to aggravate him more than he was. "Kitchen!" He called back, she followed his voice.

He was hunched over the counter, gripping on it tightly. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around his tense waist, he slightly relaxed. Her cheek pressed against his back, "I'm s-so sor-sorry," She choked back the sob ready to come out of her mouth. He sighed, "No. Don't ever say sorry, okay? I'm doing my job, you are everything to me okay?" He turned so he could hug the poor fragile girl.

"L-Let me c-clean you u-up." She hiccuped, he nodded bringing her towards his bathroom.

He bit his lip, he wasn't sure what Derek meant by their 'rendez-vous' but he had an idea on what he meant but he couldn't just blurt out the question he needed to ask her in a way where she won't lash out at him or push him away.

He hissed as the cotton ball made contact with his eye, gripping her hips which made her whimper. "Fuck baby, I'-I'm sorry." He mumbled, she shook her head.

After she finished cleaning him up, they made their way to his room, and watched a movie. Her head was resting on his shoulder and his hand was holding hers tightly. "I really am sorry for being such a big fuck up, Calum. I-I don't want to be like this. Too many bad things have happened. There are too many bad memories left, that will haunt me forever." She said, her voice becoming thicker.

"Shh, don't you worry about a thing, you are not a fuck up okay? I know you don't I will make you feel better, no matter what." He murmured, brushing her face behind her ear. She smiled softly. He knew it was forced.

They had been sitting in silence for a while now, he had to ask the question it was bothering him all night.

"What did Derek mean by your 'rendez-vous'?"

Her whole body tensed up.


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