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"She can paint a pretty picture but this story has a twist. The paintbrush is a razor and the canvas is her wrist."


She sighed sitting down on his couch, "You shouldn't have came over.. you shouldn't have had to come and 'save' me.." Looking down at her hands, he sat down next to her. "I needed to see you.." He grabbed her hand, making Katie flinch.

"Calum! Finally! You took for-" Luke came running down the stairs, stopping halfway down noticing the beaten and bruised girl. She glanced nervously at the boy on the stairs, she quickly got up ignoring the pain and stumbled towards the door. "Katie! Wait!" She ignored Calum's calls for her and walked out of the house. She felt the tears running but she didn't care, another person knew her secret and everything was just going to shit.

Calum shot Luke a glare, "Luke why'd you stay! Now god knows where she's going to go!" He snapped at his best friend, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know, what er happened?"

"Just go! I-I need to go find her!" Calum stressed as he ran out of his house once again, heading towards the park. She couldn't walk far so he thought she would walk there.

She limped towards the park as she cried, she couldn't believe that she let him take her there when he had someone over. How could she have been so stupid?

She continued to walk, finally seeing the park. She stopped when she saw a truck coming towards her, she didn't move she couldn't. This was her chance to finally escape this shit world. Just as the car was about to hit her, she was pushed and pulled to the ground.

By yours truly, Calum.

He was under her, breathing rapidly. He ran as fast as he could to get to her in time. She just stared at him wide eyed, not expecting him to save her. Again.

"W-Why the hell did you p-push me?!" She shrieked, moving off of him and getting up. "I-I was finally going to go away just like everyone wants me too! Why couldn't you let me!?" She cried pulling at her hair. She was stressing out, and was in shock. I mean who wouldn't be?

"Katie! How many times do I have to tell you I want you! I am so deeply in love with you I won't let you go, I'm a selfish guy." He sighed. Getting off the ground too, he hesitantly took her in his arms making her flinch. "I- There's no reason for me to stay anymore Calum." She whimpered.

"Then stay for me, I'll try all my life to make you happy if I have too. Please - Katie please don't." She felt his tears on her forehead. She had never seen anybody but herself so vulnerable and she felt guilty.

"I'm sorry Calum. I don't want you to go through this pain, just because of me. I'm a mess, inside and out."

He sighed, "Don't. I can handle it, just please don't leave me." He squeezed her waist, making her hiss. "Shit sorry," she laughed.

"I'm so fucked up Calum."

"I don't care, I want you okay? You can even move in with me I don't care, just please stay the night." His voice was weak, pleading.

She nodded, "I'm going to carry you since you can't walk." He picked her up with ease, her arms hesitantly went around his neck.

- -

Calum had just got home, and it was quiet meaning Luke left. Katie had fallen asleep while he sang to her on their walk home.

He put her in his bed, and sat at his desk finishing his math homework. His phone vibrated, his mum had sent him a text.

- -

mum: Hi we won't make it home tonight, we'll be back tomorrow afternoon.

love you sweetie. x

me: Hey mum, that's cool see you tomorrow, love you too.

- -

"No! Let me g-go!" Katie suddenly shouted making Calum jump. He turned towards the bed seeing she was tossing and turning. He rushed over towards her, "You're hurting me!" She struggled.

Katie suddenly bolted up, with a tear in her eye. She looked beside her seeing that he was beside her, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What happened, love?" He asked warily, rubbing her back soothingly. "H-He was forcing me again, I-I always get the dreams b-but this time i-it felt so r-real." She cried into his neck.

He tensed, "I won't let him hurt you if my life depends on it." He murmured into her ear. She nodded, making some time of whining noise when he pulled away.

He laid back, opening his arms. "C'mon," he spoke softly.

She crawled into his arms again, breathing heavily. "I-I'm sorry." He sighed rubbing her arm. "Don't be," His nose pressed against her head as he shifted slightly so he could put his leg between hers and wrap both arms around her. He inhaled her scent before speaking.

"I love you."


a/n ; god this is so emotional to write, i'm back tho! I was in philly for a few days!

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