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Fact - Carl Tanzler was a bacteriologist, who fell in love with one of his patients, Elena Milagros de Hoyos. When she died of tuberculosis, Tanzler dug up her body and kept the corpse in his home for seven years, binding the body together with wire and wax. After the authorities discovered his unusual living arrangement, Tanzler was arrested but no charges were brought as the statue of limitations had expired. In a further act of worrying obsession, Tanzler then created a life size mannequin copy of Hoyos and lived with his "love" right up until his death.

Place - Rob's Place (13 S Washington St., Oxford, Michigan)
Rob's Place has been the site of some weird occurrences, like glasses falling off shelves, bathroom stores banging open, jukebox volume quirks, strange orbs and squiggles that show in photos, and an apparition of a white-haired man in a Civil War uniform. Some say the activity comes from a basement where there is a tunnel that allegedly was used to hide slaves.

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