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Fact - In 1721 a Scottish woman called Margaret Dickson was hung for killing her illegitimate baby shortly after its birth. As the cart took her body away, she awoke, very much alive. As her sentence had been carried out, she was allowed to go free. This lead to the term "till death" being added to Scottish law in the case of hangings.

Place: Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity House (29 Old North Road, Kingston, Rhode Island)
The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity House is said to be haunted by a little girl named Abigail who died by falling down the stairs here. Legend has it that the words "Help Me" appear on the wall no matter how many times they paint over it. Also said to be haunted is Room 7, where a woman's apparition has appeared, covers have been pulled off of the bed, doors slam, and "welcome" was spelled out in steam on a bathroom mirror.

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