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Fact - In 1901, a doctor named Duncan MacDougall tried to prove the existence of the human soul. To do this, he measured the weight of terminally ill patients before and at the moment of their death. He had six patients who all experienced weight loss at the moment of death, with the average loss of weight being 21 grams.

Place - Grotto Of The Redemption (300 N Broadway Avenue, West Bend, Iowa)
This sacred site was constructed over a 42-year period, beginning in 1912, using semiprecious stones from every state in the U.S. and every world region. The Christmas Chapel contains a 300-lb. amethyst, and Bethlehem Cave contains 65 tons of petrified wood. The spiritual place has tons of statues depicting the life of Jesus, and is said to be so heavy that its foundation is 20 feet underground. The Grotto is estimated in value at over $4 million. Over 100,000 people visit the Grotto every year.

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