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I wake up and I see Spencer sleeping. She's adorable. I wake her up and say "I'm going to get breakfast I'll be back soon." She nods and goes back to sleep. I shake her awake and say. "Come with me please." "No." "Fine." I look in the mirror and i see a hickey on my neck. I quickly cover it up with makeup. Spencer comes up behind me and smiles. "Woah your side boo got you good. He was really trying to mark you. And let me just tell you no amount of makeup is going to cover it." "Well I can't focus when my hair is down so I don't really have much of a choice." Spencer smiles and says "but it looks so hot on you." I turn around and I kiss Spencer. She pulls away and says "nope you can't kiss me. You already have two you don't need a third one. But we can skip breakfast if you want." I shake my head while saying "I can't Lucas would freak." Spencer sits there shocked "I thought you and him were over." "Well lets just say he's giving me what I want now." "Look at Maya going pound town. Get some Maya."I look at my phone and there's a text from Lucas.
L- Hey can you eat with me. I'm lonely
M- sure
L- Okay I love you
M- Me ya more

Me and Spencer walk to the cafe and I sit next to Lucas. Lucas and Spencer introduce themselves and I sit on my phone until Lucas and Spencer stop talking. Lucas says "what time do your classes start?" I look at my schedule and I freak out. My classes start in ten minutes. I run out of the cafe. This is so me. Being late on the first day.

I get into class and I end up being late. I look around and I see Spencer and Lucas. How the hell did they get here on time. I sit next to Spencer and I whisper "how the hell did you get here on time?" She looks at me and laughs "I gave Lucas a ride here and I could have given you one if you didn't flip out on us and run all the way across campus to get here." I facepalm myself and I sit there embarrassed. Class is over and I stay there with my head on the desk. Throughout the whole class Spencer and Lucas were just chatting it up. And I'm sitting here staring at them looking like an idiot. The teacher walk over to me and says "why are you here if you don't have another class go back to your dorm." I walk out of class and I go to my dorm. I walk in and I see Spencer and Lucas. "Hey guys." Ugh why does Lucas always have to be so charming. They haven't even realized I was there so I leave and I go to Lucas's room with junk food in my arms. I walk in and I say "what's up brad." "What's got you down Hart." "Nothing." I say as I stuff my face with food. There is a short pause in our conversation "Maya." I whip my head on his direction and I say "What!?" "I'm sorry Maya I didn't mean to upset you." I lay back on the floor stuffing face again "it's fine I'm just irritable right now." "Is it that time of the month?" What the fuck he can't just say that. "No and your a dickhead for saying that. Just because your god damn annoying and I'm hungry doesn't give you the right to assume that I'm on my period. You act like periods change girls into a whole new person well your wrong. I hate you." I grab all of my food and I leave. I walk back to my room and I lean against the door and I eat my food. I stare at the wall the whole time not saying anything. The door starts to open and I fall back not caring if I hit my head on the floor. Lucas looks down at me and says "are you alright?" "Yeah." He starts to peel me off the ground and I say "leave me." In stead he picks me up and puts me onto my bed. Spencer looks at me and says "are you okay?" I roll over to the other direction facing away from her and I say "I'm just tired." "Okay I get it you want to be left alone. I won't bother you." "Wait. Can one of you guys stay with me?" Lucas walks over to my bed and sits down. I see Spencer leave the room. I sit up and I look at Lucas. I lay my head on his shoulder and he says "Are you okay?" "I'm not having a good day." He pulls me onto his lap and I smile. Lucas starts to lean in and says "I'm sorry." I just smile. Lucas then puts his hand up to my face and traces my dimple. I snort while saying "Stop it." "I can't help it you're beautiful." I shake my head no and Lucas says "What will it take for you to believe me?" I just shake my head no. He gently kisses me and I say "I believe you." My face suddenly feels hot and I start to feel light headed. "Maya are you okay. You look a little sick." "Yeah I'm just going to go for a walk and get some water."

I walk out of the room and I call missy.
MA- I know we're not really friends but I need one badly
I start to cry as I finish my sentence.
MI- Do you want to come to my dorm my room number is G518
I hang up and I walk to Missy's room.

I get into Missy's room and I cry. I've never cried this hard before. Missy hugs me and says "maybe you're not ready for a relationship maya." "Your right because my problem is I fall too easily." I look over and I see a liquor bottle under Missy's bed. I look at missy and smile and she's says "have it you need it way more than I do." I shug the bottle in less than a second. I walk over to Missy and say "I really needed that but right now I'm going to go talk to Charlie." I march down the hall and I swing the door open to his room and I say "I kissed Lucas today and I thought that you should know. I know we weren't anything serious but I feel like I should be honest. I think... Correction I know I still love Lucas. So um yeah I'm just going to go..." I take the elevator into the roof and I stand on the edge and scream my lungs out saying beautiful nothings. After I can't talk anymore I stand the on the edge of the building and I think to myself "one wrong move and you could end it all. One all move and you could leave all your worries behind you."

"And if the riptide comes to get meAnd pulls me under, it won't upset me, I'll go down

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"And if the riptide comes to get me
And pulls me under, it won't upset me, I'll go down."

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