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12:00 AM

I go into Mayas room and it's trashed. I see a picture of us in the ground I look at it and I smile. I walk over to Mayas bed and I sit next to her. "Maya wake up." "Leave me alone." I hold her hand. "Come on my blonde beauty." "No leave alone. I'm tired and I'm mad at you and we have class tomorrow." "You know what Maya I give up." I throw Maya over my shoulder and walk to the car I rented. "Put me down." "No." I put Maya down and she says "where are we going?" "I thought you didn't want to go." "Well I'm already out so I might as well." I roll my eyes and smile while starting up the car.

It started getting cold so I looked it the back seat for a sweater. I found one of Lucas's hoodie and I put it on. "I see you found one of my hoodies." Lucas says while glancing at me. "Yeah. Do you have a brush or something?" "Nope." I look in the rear view mirror trying to fix my hair but it's not working.

Lucas holds my hand and says "you look beautiful

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Lucas holds my hand and says "you look beautiful." "No I look like a potato." Lucas looks at me and and smiles "then potatoes must be hot." "Stop flirting with me." I say rolling my eyes. Lucas rests his hand on my thigh for the rest of the ride. His hand eventually reaches the of the hoodie I have on and he tries to move it but I say "as much as I want to your driving. I don't want you to be distracted." "Well then it must be a good thing that we're here." Lucas parks the car and looks at me. I slowly start to lean in and Lucas lightly pressed our lips together. We sit there like old times. I smile and I lick Lucas's bottom lip. Me and Lucas fight for dominance and I win. I pull away and I take a moment to breathe. I look around and smile. We're at the beach. I remember one time I told Lucas that I would die to see the sunrise at the beach with someone I love by my side. "Why are you such a good listener? You listen to all of my crazy thoughts." My eyes starts to water and Lucas cups my face with his hand. "I just want to make you happy." "I am happy you make me happy." I say as tears fall from eyes. He holds me in his arms while running his hands through my hair. I let go of his embrace and say "well we have six hours how are we going to kill time?" "Talking,dancing, kissing, cuddling, whatever you want to do." We both get out of the car and we sit in the sand. I look at Lucas and I pout "I want to cuddle." He holds me in his arms and kisses my forehead. After twenty minutes of sitting comfortable silence I kiss Lucas. I get on top of him and we get into a heated make out. I start to grind on his boner. He hold my hips down. "Maya stop." "What's wrong?" "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to feel like I pressuring you into doing something you don't want to do." I hold his face in my hands while saying "I'm positive I want this Lucas."

3 AM

I put back on Lucas's hoodie. I look at Lucas and he says "do you regret it?" "Not one bit." I look into Lucas's eyes and I smile. "I love you." "Mi amour." I lay my head on Lucas's shoulder.  I look at Lucas and he looks back  at me. "Is everything okay Maya?" "Perfect." I kiss Lucas.

4 AM

"Maya what happened that day when you stayed with the Matthews." "I wasn't feeling like myself. I had lost all hope and nothing inspired me to live." I look at the ground trying not to look at Lucas because I know if I do I'm going to cry. "Maya if you ever feel like that then talk to me. Talk to someone please. I don't want you to go missing. Or if you do at least send me a text telling me you're safe. Please. But I would rather have you talk to me. I'm not going to say I know how you feel because I don't. But I will say that there are people who want to help you." I hug Lucas as I cry into his shirt. I just realized how much I miss Charlie.

4:30 AM

"Maya you have to let go of me eventually." "I don't want you." I wrap my legs around Lucas's waist and my arms around his neck. Lucas then runs over and jumps into the water. I come back up and say "what if I drowned?" "But you didn't. Maya you should know already I don't believe in what if scenarios it either happens or it doesn't." He moves the hair out of my face and we both smile as Lucas rubs his thumb on my cheek. Lucas then smirk and splashed water at me. I spit the water out. I splash him back and it continues on like this for a while.

5:30 AM

Lucas finally surrenders and I smile while wrapping my hands around his waist. I bite my lip and Lucas puts his hands on the back of my neck. I whisper in his ear "choke me." "What?!" I shrug my shoulders "I like it." I lightly placed his hands around my neck while rolling his eyes. "Now kiss me." He kisses me and I feel him tighten the grip around my neck and I love it. I miss Charlie doing this. He pulls away and says "you're fucking crazy Maya." "I know. I'm just trying to live my life to the fullest in case it ends shorter than expected." After I say that my eyes start to water. "Well do you have a bucket list?" "Yeah and I'm only 19 and half of it is done. I'm living my best life." Lucas turns me around I look at the sky and I see the sun rise. I hold Lucas's hands in mine.

7:00 AM

"Are you ready to go?" Lucas say pulling my hand. "Yeah."

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