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I wake up to Lucas next to me and I smile. I get my books for class. I throw on an oversized sweatshirt and some leggings. I look over and I notice Spencer still isn't here. I shake Lucas awake and say "you have to go to your dorm to get ready." "Do I have to?" I shake my head on no. I give Lucas one of his tee shirts and basketball shorts. "I'm the bestest friend ever." He nods. "Come on Lucas you have to get out of bed." I hold his hand and I try to pull him out of bed. I eventually give up. "I'm leaving Huckleberry." "Fine I'm coming." Lucas starts to get undressed and I just look at the floor. "Maya." He says while throwing his shirt at me. I take the shirt off my head and by then he's already dressed. We start walking to class and Lucas says "so we're not going to talk about you checking me out." "No." "Why not?"  "because it never happened." Lucas rolls his eyes "you wish I was was looking at you." "I don't have to because I know you were."


After class me and Lucas are walking back to our dorms and I reach my hand out and he puts his hand in mine. I let go of Lucas's hand "Why is your hand so sweaty?" He wipes his hand off. "I don't know." I smile noticing that I make Lucas all hot and bothered. "Why do you always get so nervous around me?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Talk to me at least." He then loses his temper and says "What do you want me to say. I can't have a normal conversation with you because I'm in love with you but I know that I could never make you happy like you want me too or that I will never be more than a friend to you. Or that I will always be competing with Charlie even though you already know you love Charlie more then me." I mean I'm happy he said he loved me but just not like this. It was too much to process and I can't handle it. I can't believe he thinks he doesn't have a chance with me. That's funny.

I go to Charlies dorm but he's not there. I walk to the cafe and I see him eating alone. I walk behind him and I lay his head on his shoulder. "You look lonely." He lays his head on mine. "I missed you papaya." "I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better I've been trying to make time for you because I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to New York with me to celebrate my parents wedding anniversary. But you can't say no because I already bought the ticket." Charlie smiles and holds my hand "of course I want to come." He kisses me I kiss him back. I really love him. "Maya I really love you." "I was thinking the same thing."


I have been avoiding Lucas ever since that conversation and tomorrow I leave for New York so I won't have to see him for a while. I pack my bag while talking to Riley. I'm telling her what happened between me and Lucas.
M- And he just told me how he felt about us and I didn't know what to do so I walked into my dorm.
R- You know you can't avoid him forever.
M- But I can try
R- Is he coming still
M- I don't know and I don't care
R- You will care if you see him
M- I don't know Riley
R- We'll do you like him
M- I don't know I'm head over heels for Charlie but it's Lucas he's so charming and he's my best friend
R- Just don't get confused. You probably love Lucas in a friend type of way
M- I'm back at the draw board
R- Yes but if you do like him you could tell him the truth
I finally finish packing my bad and I say to Riley.
M- I've go to go but I'll call you when I land
R- Okay see you soon. Love you
M- I love you more

I feel so dumb. Why would I tell maya how I feel about her? And the way I did it was terrible? Why am I such a fucking idiot. At least I'll be able to see her in New York because I know she has been avoiding me lately.

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