Tension rising

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I wake up to everyone standing around me. My mom says "hey honey are you alright." I sit up and say "I'm fine mom. I'm perfectly fine." "Maya you passed out." I get surprised and I say "I'm sorry did I ruin your anniversary. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." "No honey you didn't. You're fine is all that matters." She kisses the top of my head and I smile.

After everyone making sure I'm fine I head to the bathroom. As soon as I finish drying my hands someone knocks on the door. I see Charlie and I hug him. He holds me in his arms tight like he doesn't want to let go. He kisses the top of my head then says "what is the last thing you remember?" "We were dancing and then you went down on one knee." He laughs a little and says "then you remember everything. I just wanted to give you a promise ring. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I know we're both not ready for that kind of commitment yet." He tries to let me go but I don't budge. "Maya. You're going have to let me go." "No. I love you. Just let me give you all my love." He laughs then hugs me and let's go. He pulls the ring out and I smile.


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Aww. I love it. He places the ring on my finger and stands back up. "I promise to always love you. I promise to be faithful. I promise to always be your friend. I promise to marry you one day. And I can promise you that I'm serious about us." A tear falls down my cheek. He wipes my tear and I say "jeez I'm sorry for making you cry so much." "I'm just really happy. I love you so much." I gently kiss his lips. He just smiles as he pulls away. I bet we look like love sick puppies. Let's just say we fucked in Rileys childhood bedroom.

While cuddling I say "what's this date?" "It's the day you first laid your eyes on me in middle school. The day I thought I had a chance with you." I laugh as I say "I can't believe you did that. All I would do was bother you. I wasn't even nice to you." "You were nice enough to where I thought we could be friends." I sigh as I lay my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head.

We all go back to farkles and I'm in the kitchen getting all of us sodas. Someone comes behind me and wraps their arms around my waist and plays with the promise ring on my hand. "This ring looks good on you." He kisses my neck. I let my head fall back on his shoulder. "I think so too." I turn around and I look at him. "We have to go back upstairs." "Okay." I kiss him and I head up stairs.

We walk into the room and it's dark with insidious playing. I sit in between Lucas and Charlie. I hold onto Charlie arm as tight as I can as I hear the music speeding up. Riley screams at the pop up scare. Which makes me scream. I hear a third scream and it comes from Lucas hiding behind a pillow like a baby. We all laugh. "It's not funny." He says throwing the pillow at me. I hit him as hard as I can with the pillow. I focus back on the movie. I lay my head on Charlies shoulder as I start getting tired. He starts to play with my hair and I'm out like a light.

I feel myself being carried and I start to wake up. I see Charlie looking at me lovingly. "Hi sleepyhead." "Hi." He sits my down on the bed in the guest room. He starts to undress me and I start to whine. "Maya I know your sleepy but please don't start whining." I just furrow my eyebrows while lifting my arms. "You're a meanie." He puts one of his shirts over my head. I lay down facing away from Charlie. Charlie takes my hand in his and takes off my ring. "No I want it. I'm sorry for being mean." He sits it down on the dresser and I'm nearly in tears. I don't know why I'm so hormonal and acting like a child. "I'm sorry. Do you not love me anymore?" "Of course I love you. I just don't want it to slip off while you're sleeping. I'm sorry for making you think otherwise. Now get some sleep baby." He wipes my tears and I lay my head on his chest. "I want my ring." "No mays." He says as he taps my hand that's reaching for it. "Owie. That hurt." "Just go to sleep Maya." I start to tear up and I say "but you're a meanie." "I'm sorry maya can you forgive me." He says as he rubs my back. "Yes. I'm sorry for being a bad girl." He plays with my hair and says "you're a good girl and I love you. Now get some sleep."

Before I know it the sun is already out. I play with Charlies face before he wakes up. As he starts to wake up I say "I'm sorry." "For what Maya?" I sigh while saying "I was acting like a baby last night. I'm sorry." "It's okay. It was cute." He says as he kisses the top of my head. "I love you." "Me amour." I lay with my back facing him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I lace my fingers with his and he kisses the back of my head. "I love you my papaya." "I love you too Charlie." I gently kiss him and I snuggle my head into his chest.

We sat there for maybe an hour and I say "Charlie when can I meet your mom?" "She's in philly Maya." I sit there and say "oh. I'm sorry." "There is no reason to be sorry princess." I sigh while saying "well do you want to go to lunch with my parents. I haven't seen them in a week and they miss you. Maybe even more then they miss me." "Of course I will. I love your parents."

Some one walks into our room I pretend like I'm asleep so I don't have to move. "Maya I know you're awake." "Go away Farkle!" I say as I throw a pillow at him. I hear the door close and I smile. "Charlie?" "Yeah?" "I love you." He kisses me on my fore head. "I love you too but are you okay you never say you love me this much." "I'm just really happy." I smile and he kisses my cheek. "I'm glad your happy papaya."

She scrunches her nose and says "stop calling me that." While getting up. I grab her hand to stop her leaving. "I thought you loved that name." She shakes her head no and tries to walk away. "Stay with me." She sits on my lap and slings her arm around my neck. She leans in to where our lips are almost touching. "No." She stand up and walks away. Maya just gave me a major case of blue balls.  I follow maya and she says "I'm going to talk to Farkle about what the hell he wanted earlier. In case you were wondering because you are following me." I put my hand around her waist and I go in for a kiss. Maya shakes her head no. "One kiss." She shakes head again. "A little kiss." She shakes her head no again. "Teeny weeny kiss." She shakes her head no again. "Fine you party pooper." She walks into Riley and Farkles room.

I sit on Rileys lap and I ask Farkle "what did you want to ask us earlier." While saying us I point to me and Charlie. "I wanted to know if you guys wanted to go mini golfing?" "I'm in." "I am too." I look at Charlie and I smile. I lay my head on Rileys should and she pets my head. I remember when she would do this whenever one of us were upset. The boys leave and it's just me and Riley. "I heard you jumping Farkles bones last night. Damn like you just couldn't wait could you." "Actually Farkle started it. And I wanted it." I fake gag. "Y'all are gross especially since Lucas was in the room." "Have you and Charlie done anything yet?" "That's my business." "Oh my gosh maya y'all got busy." I sit up and I say to Riley "come  on I'm hungry. I also need to get changed so we can go to breakfast." "Hungry for a piece of Charlie." I get into the shower and someone comes in. "Get out." "I have to shave." "You don't have facial hair Huckleberry."

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