chapter 2

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God help me, she's better than i remember. With her glossy black hair, laying in thick waves over her shoulders and her smooth olive skin, her sweetheart face that frames those big brown eyes, full lips and that sharp chin- lifted like that in defiance.
More wholesome. Gone is the quietly guarded girl i remember: fragile and  uncertain. The woman infront of me is confident, proud: sure of herself.
God i want to touch her. Hold her,  make sure she's real.
Want to literally pick her up and take her. Something akin to agony stires within me . Something inside is aching for her, it has been for so long, it's desperate to have her back. But even with this burning urgency, I silently remind myself why I'm here:  Retribution. It's something I'm looking forward to savouring.
It doesnt stop me from wanting to run my fingers in her hair, expose her neck and kiss her there. I want to hear her gasp, feel her pulse race and hear the tremor in her voice. See the uncertainty spark in those chocolate eyes. Strip that confidence right from her. The thought satisfies me and takes the edge off my lust for her.
Instead I sit and do the only other thing I can. I watch her.

It was like this the first time I saw her. like watching some beautiful creature in the wild and knowing you have to have it. the need to reach out and touch her is so instinctual, I struggle to resist it. Even now, like this, fuelled by this hate i can't help but want her.

she glares at me and I can feel the rage building behind those eyes. A blazing fire,  burning. Good.

'let's go!' I say in a firmer voice. No compromise. I begin to stand.

'No,' she says and tilts her head in amusement. the beginnings of a smile forming on her mouth. I'm going to be putting that mouth to good use soon, the thought smoothers the simmering rage in my chest and makes me smile. I look at her through hooded eyes. 'No' she repeats calmly. 'I'm afraid I have other plans. But we can arrange another time to meet. We have important business to discuss. How about tomorrow evening?'
I try to keep my face as passive as possible. This is new. She wasn't usually so. . . Assertive. "Tonight " I say without so much as blinking. "I'll send a car-"
"No need, I have it covered. I'm staying at my aunt's. Here's her number." She points her phone in my direction and sends the contact via Bluetooth without so much as looking at me and then turns back to the assistant. "Now if you please, I have business to attend to." She says her voice all matter of fact.
A part of me is amused, of course it is. She was so amicable right up to the end. We were like two halves of the same coin .she was the calm to my mischief, cautious where I was fearless, timid to my open friendly nature. But we always laughed together. Shared everything down to a smile. God only knows that I never escaped her sorrow- Felt it like it was my own. Now she's developed this new sense of self. I'm not sure how to feel about it. The thought intrigues me, possibly even thrills me. It wouldn't have been fun to have her submit to me so easily. This taming is going to be worth every second of pain she's caused me. There is something about the chase I'm going to really enjoy.
I like her spirit, but I am going to have to break it.
Let her have her moment of glory, It'll lull her into a false sense of security. It's going to be so satisfying to see the reality of the situation dawn on her. And it will.

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