part 12

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I can see the hunger in his eyes, it's in mine too. I feel the heat of his body, hard and smooth and I reach up to kiss him. God I want to lose myself in him. Forget everything but that smile. His eyes are warm, brown flecked with gold-stunning. He kisses my temple and let's his fingers run down my shoulders leaving a trail of fire, his touch is so gentle its painful and I can't bear it. . . He sits back on the sofa and I straddle him, never breaking eye contact. black pools of desire, I want to submerge myself into them. His fingers brush the hair off my shoulder and then down my neck and chest before grazing my bra, where my nipples immediately harden in response. . .

Oh god, I'm awake! It was a dream, all a dream. I sit up in bed, too hot and flustered. Adam is awake, he turns towards me 'you okay?' He asks, his hand warm on my back.
But the lust hasn't left my blood. 'Adam,' I say in a husky low voice, I don't recognise. He immediately sits up, one arm behind me and the other on my shoulder, turning me towards him, so he can see my face.
'I- I-' shutting my eyes, I turn away from him, worried they'll reveal what I'm feeling. My throat is dry and my tongue heavy in my mouth.
'What is it?' He's holding the back of my neck, pressing gently there, trying to ease the tension in my shoulders. The gesture is so comforting, I try to shrug his hand away, unable to bear the thrill shooting through me- from his touch. Unsure of myself even now.

with more force he pulls me back till I can feel his chest against my back. I relax into him, letting him take my weight. He's warm and solid.

The silence stretches out into the darkness. I can feel the goosebumps on his arm. I trace the skin there hearing him groan. Can feel his wry smile, even in the darkness, I know his reaction without looking at him. He's waiting.

Slowly, I release my breath, which I didn't realise I was holding. I think back to his hooded eyes looking up at me, his surrender on the sofa when he gave me control. The feeling of him under my thighs, the heat forming between my legs. How the need had grown inside me that first time. All night I had imagined his body over mine, inside me. The perfectness of the moment. Never had I imagined it happening this way, with me easing myself onto him slowly. His jaw clenched at my excruciatingly slow descent, as I feel him stretch me, change me forever.

Now. Here.  It's still there - aching, throbbing, that longing for him. I sit up and turn to face him, even in the darkness I am able to appreciate his physical presence. I trace his jaw with my fingertip as he sits up with his weight on his hands behind him. I move my hands over and down his shoulders, across his abs and then to the waistband of his shorts. Hooking my fingers there I pull them down.

'Aya-' he gasps grabbing my wrists, I still for a second, but there is nothing but silence. I know he's giving me a chance to think about what I'm doing, but all I want- is to feel him inside me. I want to feel all that power under my fingers. I want to feel him lose himself in me and more importantly i want to loose myself in him- even if it is only for a second.

I don't think about the tension and power struggle between us, the games we're playing to prove who is more in control. No. I care only for his touch, am desperate for it. I climb onto him and push on his chest gently to get him to lie back, but he stays sat up, then his lips have found my neck and he kisses me there, his hands circle my waist and one moves lower to grip my rear.
I love his grip on me. As he holds me me tight, his fingers press into my skin and I'm sure they will leave marks. His lips move down my throat, into my hair.
My breathing is more irrate now and I slide my fingers into his hair, holding him there, tugging at it, pulling it. Then he's kissing my collar bone. I arch backwards, pushing my chest forward, wanting more. He doesn't disappoint. He bites and laughs quietly when I buck at his touch.
I expect it to be over quickly. That's my intention, but this is Adam, he's lost control once today, he won't again.
His fingers are everywhere, if I'm expecting consideration I'm mistaken. He flips me over so im lying beneath him and with one hand he grips my wrists above my head. He uses his knees to nudge my legs open. There is something thrilling about his steely vice on my wrists and him taking control. His fingers move up my thigh until they get to the apex of my legs. my breathing is shallow and I can feel myself throbbing for him. But he stops short of sliding his fingers inside me. I groan and try to squeeze my thighs shut around him. But he's good , he holds still and watches me squirm. Slowly, he releases his grip on me and withdraws. Sitting back in his hunches, pinning my thighs beneath him. I know he's watching me because he's still. As I move up to touch his chest, he holds my hands out in front of him- to stop them. He moves off me and pulls me up till i'm stood on the floor in front of him.
I lower myself to my knees till I'm sat in front of him. In the darkness i can feel him watching me. I place my hands on his knees, fingers fanned out lightly and move them up slowly. The muscles beneath my hands flex in response to my touch. The contours defined perfectly. Even now, I marvel at his beauty. He is Michael Angelo's David. A piece of perfection.
I lean forward and take him in my mouth, he is salty and smooth, hard and silky.
He gasps and winds his fingers in my hair, tugging at it, trying to control the pace. I love the power of having him at my mercy. He groans and I feel the muscles in his legs bunch beneath my fingertips. He murmurs something but i don't hear fully what he says. Instead I continue to take him deeper, listening to his breathing change. He tastes good, salty drops of nectar. Then he pulls out of me and hauls me up easily onto his lap as if I weigh nothing. My whimper of protest turns into a cry of delight as he thrusts into me.
One of his hands is on my neck and he uses his grip to pull me in so he can kiss me. The other hand is used to anchor my hips so he can thrust harder up into me. This energy between us builds and builds. We climax together and I feel him come hard inside me.
We coast down slowly, his head is on my shoulder as he rests his forehead against my neck. Kissing me there, letting his lips linger. I can feel his breath. Cool against my skin. I hold onto his shoulders, slumped against him.
His hand moves up to cup my breast and even exhausted he kisses my nipple there, half sucking it to tease me. I laugh and try to swipe him away, but even in the darkness I can imagine he is grinning. He turns his attention to nuzzling into my neck again.
I missed this. I lean into him, letting him take my weight.

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