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I finally was able to unpack my bags. The twelve hour drive from Salt Lake City to San Francisco was the worst thing I've ever had to deal with.

I get some boxes from the moving truck and walked inside. Luckily since I'm the oldest I get first pick of the rooms. Of course I picked the biggest room. I put the boxes down and jump on to the bed. I lay there look at the ceiling. As I was just about to fall asleep I heard my mother call my name. "Astrid! Come downstairs!" She yelled. I sighed and walked to the living room.

My two other siblings Ambrose and Agnes were sitting on the couch waiting for me. I sat down while mom started to talk. "Kids tomorrow we are having the neighbors over." She said. "What's there names?" Agnes said playing with her rubric cube. "They're the Hammetts." Mom said taking the cube away. "Are there any kids?" Ambrose asked my mom. "Yep 3. Now start unpacking." My mother laughed.

After at least three hours of unpacking everything my room looked like it did back home. I had my books all organized and my science posters up. I had only one band poster which was a Led Zeppelin poster. I was finally able to read "The Farthest Shore." Since the move. My dad came into the room. "Ash how you doing?" He said. I put the book down. "Fine. I just want to go for a walk." I sighed. He handed me some money. "Here's a twenty dollar bill just be back by six o'clock." He smiled."Thanks dad." I smiled as I hugged him.

I walked out of the house. I still can't believe I'm in San Francisco. I walked down the street when a I noticed a boy running in the same direction. He ran passed me and accidentally pushed me over.

"What the hell dirtbag?" I said. He stopped and turned around. "I'm sorry miss." He said helping me up.  "It's fine." I said brushing the dirt from my skirt. "What's you're name?" He asked me. My face turned red. "Astrid." I said. "That's some name." He laughed "I'm named after the stars." I smiled a dumb smile. "I forgot what's your name?" I felt like dummy. "I'm Kirk." He smiled. We shook hands. "Well I have to go home. My momma is going to kill me." He laughed. "Bye." I quietly said.


For those three hours I was out for I had fun. I got a new shirt and I walked to the beach. It was very lovely but nothing like Utah.

I walked back home. The rain starting to pour. "Shit" I said aloud putting the shopping bag over my head to protect me.

I got in the house my whole body soaking wet. I went upstairs to the bathroom. "I look like the Joker." I laughed. I changed into a pair of pjs and continue to read that book.


"Ash? Are you awake?" I heard Agnes say. "Yeah what's wrong?" I asked getting out of bed. I looked at the time. The clock said it was 11:30. "I miss Utah." She said. Agnes is three years younger than me. She acts like a baby sometimes but that's okay. I hugged her. " I miss Utah also but hey guess what? We can start our lives all over again." I said. She still had a frown on her face. "I don't care take me back." She cried. "I think you should go to sleep you're over tried." I said helping her back to her bedroom.

I went back into my room and looked next door. I saw that boy again. Is that his bedroom door? I thought as I kept on watching him. He started to strip into his boxers. "Damn." I said out loud quietly. I guess that's my neighbor I'm meeting tomorrow. I just feel bad because I called him a dirtbag.

The Boy Next Door- Kirk Hammett Where stories live. Discover now