Chapter 7- Breakfast

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Ethan opened his small tiny eyes and looked at Tyler. Man. That was the best sleep Ive ever had. Thanks Tyler.

Ethan let go of Tyler's body and carefully got out of the sleeping bag. Ethan made sure to not wake up Tyler, who was sleeping like a daisy.

Ethan unzipped the tent and looked outside. It smelt amazing and was as fresh as fresh gets. Ethan walked over to Amy while she was cooking breakfast. Ethan tapped her shoulder. "Hey Amy. What time is it?"

Amy looked at Ethan and grinned. "Goodmorning sleepyhead. Its currently 10:36."

Ethan looked puzzled. "Are you the only one awake?"

"Yep. Mark is in my tent slobbering, and Kat is still sleeping. What about Tyler? He must be sleeping too."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "It was a long night for everyone."

Tyler opened his eyes. He was still in the sleeping bag. Where is Ethan? Tyler got upand wriggled through the entrance of the tent and climbed out. Ethan saw Tyler and smiled. "Goodmorning Stoneface. You were snoring last night."

Tyler smirked. "Well, Maybe you shouldn't have slept in my face."

Ethan stood up and hugged Tyler, without any control, Tyler hugged him back. Amy smirked. The hug lasted for a little too long. Ethan finally realized what he was doing and stepped back. "Im sorry Tyler-r. I didnt realiz-ze-"

Tyler cut him off and smirked. "Nothing wrong with a little bro hug."

Ethan smiled but felt his heart shatter. Bro? Why only Bro- Wait what am I thinking? Ethan sat down and looked at Amy. "What are you cooking?"

Amy turned around, spinning. "Sausages and Eggs."

Tyler smiled. "Mmm. Yummy."

Tyler grabbed some breakfast and sat down in his chair. While he was eating, he had some weird thoughts going through his head. Why did I call Ethan Bro? I enjoyed his hugs. I feel like I should do more for him. Wait. What?

End of Chapter 7.

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