Chapter (23):⚅All Good Things Must End⚄

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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana

- George Santayana

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Everyone POV

Sunday, April 30

1:12 am


Marc sat quietly in a chair, watching as Dani colored. They were currently in Kelly's room, waiting for her to get out of surgery. Dani didn't want to go to sleep until she seen her mom, so she colored to keep herself up. Marc didn't mind the company, even though Dani was quite. She was just like Kelly, every spitting image.

Wyatt went home to freshen up and since Kevin wasn't really a fan of hospitals, he decided to go with him. Levi and Diana were in their room with Elliot, probably not getting any sleep. Elliot was being very fussy.

"MarMar?" Dani questions, looking up at Marc.

Marc snaps out of his thoughts and stares at the four year old girl. "Yes, piccolo pup?"

"Mommy always says she loves me very much." Dani states. "What is love?"

Marc takes a moment before answering. He didn't know if he should give her a logical definition or a childish definition. "There is two definitions when it comes down to love. When your mother says she loves you, she's saying that as a result of bonding defined by the willingness of mother and daughter. She'd do any and everything to keep you safe. Just like how you'd do the same."

Dani nods, taking everything in. "And what's the other def-in-tian of love?"

Marc chuckles at how she pronounces definition. "It's definition." Marc says correctly. "And the second definition of love, really isn't a definition." Marc pauses for a moment, trying to find a better explanation. "Okay so, you see how Diana and Levi are with each other?"

"Yes." Dani answers.

"Well they act like that, because they're both in love with each other. This love is different from the other type of love, because being in love is something that can happen without your intention or consent. It's not something you can walk away from. If you leave, you'll take the feeling of being in love with you."

Dani nods, still somewhat confused. "Are you in love with mommy?"

"Yes." Marc answers truthfully.

"Is she in love with you?"

Marc sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't know."

"Okay." Dani says, before going back to coloring. She looks up from her coloring book, and back at Marc. "Can I asks another question?"

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