Birthday Surprise [Kokichi Ouma Birthday Special]

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Happy birthday Kokichi! For everyone's favorite purple Panta loving gremlin I wrote this short story!

Kokichi wondered around the halls of Hope's Peck academy with a small frown tugging at his lips. It's his birthday today and with the day half over and no one even mentioning anything related to the date, the small leader was starting to think everyone just forgot. Sure everyone was trapped in a killing game and sure two people were already dead but everyone could at less with him a happy birthday.

'Maybe their planning a surprise party?' Kokichi thought to himself with a bit of hope, there was always a chance they could be planning a surprise party! Kokichi then excitedly rushed to the dining room. When he arrived he saw no one was there, this was strange. It's nearly dinner time and normally Kirumi was preparing tonights dinner.

Kokichi frowned before looking down ether side of the hallway, no one was coming from the left or right. 'Where is everyone?' Kokichi thought to himself before walking out to the courtyard.

Just like the dining hall, the courtyard was empty. This only served to creep Kokichi out, it's not like everyone to just suddenly disappear. Next stop was the underground bunker, Kokichi tried his best not to run as he walked down to the bunker hidden under a manhole cover. When he arrived the small leader, with a bit of trouble moved the manhole cover aside and climbed down the ladder.

When he arrived at the bottom he looked around the dark empty room before calling out "Hello? Is anyone down here?" the only thing to answer Kokichi back was his echoes. Not wanting to be down in the bunker for long Kokichi climbed back up the ladder.

With a disheartened frown, Kokichi walked back to his dorm room, where was everyone? They don't have a lot of places to hide in this school turned prison. All they had was the library, dining hall, bunker, and gym. Wait, the gym! Kokichi them quickly turned me ran towards the gym. He hadn't even thought of checking the gym!

In record time, Kokichi arrived at the gym's doors and couldn't help but stare up at them. 'If they aren't here I'll just go back to the dorms, ' Kokichi thought before pushing the doors open.

Only to be met with a face full of confetti.

"Suprise!" Kiibo chirped out with a bright smile, in his hands was a little confetti popper. Kokichi blinked as he stared at Kiibo in shock. Kokichi then shifted his gaze around the gym. It was all decorated with streamers and a few purple, black, and white balloons, everyone even wore D. I. C. E. Uniforms made by Tsumugi!

"We were wondering when you'd show up!' Shuichi chuckled out before adding "I thought we might have to send someone out to get you!" It was then Kokichi saw Shuichi's expression shift to one of happiness to worry, "Kokichi, a-are you crying?" Shuichi asked and that one question for everyone to crowd around Kokichi in concern.

Kokichi hadn't even realized he was crying as he reached a hand up to wipe a stray tear away. The small leader stared at the teardrop on his fingers, he looked up at the group surrounding him.

"Kokichi? D-Did we do something wrong?" Kiibo's voice ran out.

"Come on you little shit, tell us what's wrong!" Miu spoke up next.

"Nyeh! I'll use my magic to cheer you up!" Himiko cheered out with a small bounce, making her giant white witch hat bounce up and nearly fall over her head.

"Come on Kichi, spit it out!" Kaito declared as he hit his fists together with a confident smile.

"Is everything alright Kokichi?" Shuichi asked making Kokichi look up at the detective before a bright smile tugged at his lips and tackled Shuichi in a tight hug.

"Thank you!" Kokichi cried out while clinging onto a shocked Shuichi. The relief and happiness that Kokichi felt at the moment was overwhelming. The fact that everyone did indeed remember his birthday and the fact that everyone went this length for his party was incredible.

"It's not a problem Kokichi, " Shuichi chuckled as he rubbed Kokichi's back comfortingly before he heard Kaito speak up.

"Come on ya little gremlin! You for a party waiting for you!"

With a bright smile, Kokichi released Shuichi from the hug, letting the party officials begin. The whole party lasted a few hours and the entire time, everyone showed Kokichi in attention. Even Tenko was being nicer to him than normal! By the end of the day, Kokichi had the biggest smile on his face and returned to his room with a few gifts. His favorite gifts he got though was the commemorative medal set, electric tempest, and a hammock.

This by far was the best birthday Kokichi has ever had.

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