Chapter 2: Love At Fir- How About No

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Hai guys!!! Longer chapter today, sorry that last chapter was short and boring. Also on Saturday and Sunday I spent my 24 hours(Sat. 12~ 4 PM EST - Sun. 13~ 4 PM EST) watching a such entertaining live stream hosted by PeteZahHutt(Brandon) and Pwincessly(Karaline)!!! On Saturday(Sat. July 19~ 12 PM EST- 4 PM EST) I met Lil JaXe(A 15 year old Canadian rapper with speech disabilities but goes away when rapping and real name is Jake Zeldin) and ThatSpanishBoy(A 15 year old Argentinian/Canadian Youtuber who is also a singer and real name is Sebastian Olanski) they were so tall, adorable, and nice!!! They give such nice and warm welcoming hugs and such beautiful smiles!!! That was one of the best days of my life and I would like to thank them for having this FREE meet and greet!!! If you want to see pictures just go on my twitter which is @TheIrishOne1D13 or Instagram which is @kawaii_tbnr_13!!!

Song on the side is Jessica's alarm in the book!!! It's A Chocolate Milk Party~ Remix (5SOS~ Ashton)

Sorry for not posting on both Thursdays, anyways enjoy!!! =^.^=


Preston's P.O.V.

"Who are you exactly?" I ask the girl who took my pile of dishes. She turns around smiling "My name is Iris Marie Russett, I'm your neighbor and will be helping your family out for a few weeks or months". I smile back getting lost in her emerald green eyes and finally snap out of it a few seconds after.

"I'm TBN- I mean Preston"

She giggles showing a dimple, God she's adorable. "TBNRfrags or PrestonPlayz, your Youtube channel names right?"

"W-wait... You watch my Youtube Videos"

"Most of the time, along with Mitch, Lachlan, Rob, Brandon, and more peoples"

"Do you have your own channel by chance?"

"Yup IrisMarie619, I have about 1,000 subs" She starts to wash some of the dishes and I help her.

"So, I was wondering if we could... you know, record sometime soon?"

"Sure, that would be great. Also your moving truck kind of interrupted me while I was recording you can go check the video out in a few days"

I laugh and apologize for the noise. We talked for hours about video games, recording, and other stuff! She was perfect, pretty, funny, had an explosion of energy, passion, and personality! I think I could really get used to hanging out with her, it was easy to tell that she has a big adventurous side. We exchanged numbers and Skype and she left.

"Who was that?" Jessica asks me plopping down on a couch eating some cookies and handing me the plate. "Our neighbor, Iris" I respond stuffing 2 cookies in my mouth. "She seems more like a girlfri-" . "No, she is nothing more than a friend Jess" I say cutting her off and walking away.

Jessica's P.O.V.

"No, she is nothing more than a friend Jess" Preston says cutting me off and walking away. "But it looks like love at fir-" I yell getting cut off by Preston again. "How about no..." Preston yells back.

Oh well, I'm Jessica Carter a cousin of Preston. I am 18 and in my last year of high school. I have long light brown hair, light brown eyes and dimples. Some of my favourite things to do is bake, play video games, and party. I own Youtube channel that goes by MissBoo and I have a few thousand subscribers. I am living here in Texas with Preston's family because of a certain incident with my family, I don't wanna talk about it.

"What was that about?" Keeley says as I enter her room. "It was about how I think Preston has a thing for our neighbor" I say laying down on her bed. "How does this girl look and act exactly?" "I'm not really sure... but we will see in the morning because I heard that she will be helping us out for a few months!" I say getting back up and leaving the room. Time to investigate exactly why Preston likes this girl.

In The Arms Of Cactus Jones (Preston/TBNRfrags Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora