Chapter 13

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It was a few months later, and Phil and Dan were still togeter. But it didn't seem like that to Phil. To him, it seemed as if they were just friends, which Phil hated. But whenever he would try to bring up their relationship, things would get awkward.

They were at the cinema with Chris and Pj watching The Fault in our Stars, Phil shedding some tears but trying to hide it. He peered over to Chris who was blubberying like a baby with Pj holding him, which made Phil smile. Atleast their relationship was going well.

Dan looked over to Chris and Pj during the film and smiled sadly, he wished he had someone like thaf, he wished he and Phil were like that. But they weren't and Dan wasn't sure if they ever would be again.

Phil needed to use the restroom, so he subtly got up, walking past Dan and a range of crying people and out of the movie theatre room.

Between thinking about Phil and watching the movie, Dan soon became a quiet mess.

Chris could hear quiet full on crying, and turned to see that it was from Dan. And it was obvious he wasn't just crying because of the movie. "D-Dan? Are you crying because of the movie?" Chris whispered to Dan quietly making sure.

"Yes..." Dan sobbed. "And no..."

"What happened? Is it something between you and Phil?" Chris asked. He had noticed that Dan and Phil weren't as couply anymore. They acted like friends, but not close ones at all.

"I miss him.."

"He just went to the toilet." Chris laughed.

"N-No! I miss what we used to be! I hate how awkward it is!"

"Then why don't you talk to him about it? Sure, it's gonna be awkward at first but if you miss him that much you would be determined go get him back, not moping around."

Dan bit his lip. "Y-You're right.."

"I think you should tell him now." Chris said. "The longer you wait, the worse it will become."

Dan nodded and got up, quickly making his way past all the crying people and to the bathroom where he found Phil washing his hands.

Phil saw Dan enter and smiled weakly. "Hey."

"Phil we need to talk.." Dan said quietly.

"About what?"

"About us?"

"...What's wrong?"

"This, all of this is wrong!"

"D-Do you mean...o-our relationship?" Phil asked quietly, mind jumping to the most outrageous conclusions of Dan wanting to break up with him.

"Yeah..I meant that.."

"Is it that you wanna break up?.." Phil said dissapointedly, looking down at his hands sadly.

"No it's not..It's the fact that It's like we don't even have a relationship anymore! It's so awkward and not how we were.."

"I know...I don't know why it's like that to be honest, I-I mean whenever i've tried t-to talk to you about this a-act like it's not a big issue and it m-makes me really hurt s-sometimes.."

"I-I guess I was still angry, still hurt...B-But I don't care about that anymore, it's been months, it's in the past...I wanna move on from it, I wanna be like we were again.."

"I really want that so much."

"Me too..More than anything..."

"I miss you alot...l-like when you c-came home late I w-would...c-cry myself t-to sleep b-because of how m-much I m-miss us.." Phil said quietly, voice cracking halfway.

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