Until I see you again

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I thought my life was ended. Why I have to get another chance to live? But I need to be grateful.

I'm glad that I get a chance to see Jungkook again. I spaced out for a moment,  and then I heard a knocking on the door.

Who is that?!

"Come in"

"Sorry to disturb you ms. Y/N, I just want to have the last checkup for today." There is some nurse come to do check up on my health.

"Oh yes, thank you very much."

"How is your feeling now ms. Is there something wrong?"

"I guess I'm fine now."

"Glad to hear that."

"Yes. . . Oh, can I ask you something?"

"Of course ms. what is it?"

"How many times I have in this hospital?"

"Not too long ms, around 1 week."

"1 week? When can I go out of this place?"

"Until you heal ms, both physically and mentally"

"I see....Um, you must know the person who donated their blood to me right?"

"Yes, of course, I know. But I'm afraid that I can't tell you"

"Why not?"

"It's because he doesn't want you to know it."

"Oh. . o-okay thankyou."

"You're welcome, please get some rest."

"yes" I sit on my hospital bed, I look at my wrist, it's weird, with a tube stuck inside my veins and a hanging bag of blood, it's so unusual.

Who is the person? I want to know. She said it was he? He, save my life, I want to pay him back, I want to say thankyou.

 At that night, I've been thinking about this guy, It's a lot until I fall asleep thinking about it. I hope I will find him soon.


In the morning, I woke up still a bit dizzy. When I slowly open my eyes, I saw someone standing there on the big window in this hospital. His tall figures, dark brunette colored hair remain me of someone. Someone I know, someone I lo-

"Jungkook?" I immediately raise up from my bed.

"Oh no, Y/N you can just rest in your bed."

"What are you doing here?" 

"Nothing much, just watching the city on this view"

"No, I mean why are you here?"

"I just want to check you up?"

"For what? Don't you have a job now? you're taking over your father job right?"

"Yes. I'll take a day off  to see you."

He slowly walks closer and closer to me and he leans his head forward to me.

"What for?"

"Don't you remember? I still lov-"

*knock knock*

I heard a knock on the door. Both of us looked to the door that slowly opens up.

"It must be Laura"

"Yeah maybe."

"Come in." I stare at some figure, that looks so familiar to me. My heart just bumped.

"T-Ta" I stuttered. I see him. My friend, my old friend.




A/N: [edited]

Hi guys! I'm backkk ╰(▔∀▔)╯. How are you guys?! It's been a while since my last upload. I've been through a lot of things this year. Having a day in this senior year is though, with a lot of projects, works, and homework. My head will be breaking into pieces.

By the way, How is the story I hope you can guess who is the person.... (¬‿¬ ) Can't wait for you guys react to this part. I hope you guys like it and comment down below what you think about this part. I hope you have a great day or a holiday. And see you in the next part.

XOXO, ( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡


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