Not Him

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Taehyung?! Why is he here? We never talk since that accident. How can he found me? he the one who.. 

"Hi Y/N"


Then Jungkook face looks different from the second I saw him.

"What are you doing here taehyung?" He ignored my question and see Jungkook and teasing him.

"Calm down, Jungkook. I just want to see her, my old friend"

"How can you know I'm here?" I asked him again.

"Um, yeah uhh I just come by to get a check up here and I saw Jungkook coming to your room"

"I see..."

"What happened to you?" He looked at my blood bag and down through my arm.

"Uh.. me...?" 

As taehyung ask me, suddenly I feel a pain in my chest. I try to breathe, but I can't. My mind reminds me of the day I committed suicide, then I feel there is a tap on my shoulder. Jungkook tries to calm me down.

"You fucking moron! Just shut up!" Jungkook said.

I hold Jungkook hand that grabbing my shoulder tells him to stop. Then his face calms again.

"I've .. been through a lot Taehyung. I hope you understand" I avoid making eye contact with Taehyung. I let him see the cut on my wrist, I hope he understands. 

I hold my tears, get my self together and taking a deep breath. 

"It's okay and I'm so sorry, I can't be there helping you." Taehyung pulls my head closer to his embrace. I never knew this side of Taehyung. He is somehow gentle, different from the Taehyung I know before. But I can see there is something more. Then I roll my eyes to see Jungkook who is beside me watching us. 

I think he doesn't like it. Then I push Taehyung and smile. " Thank you. I will be alright"

"Yeah, you're right. I bring you something, I'll put it on your side table ok?"

"Thankyou... " I can't stop looking at Taehyung's face., He looks so different from him before.

"Um... Taehyung can we talk outside for a while?" Jungkook patted on Taehyung's shoulder.


Then both of them going outside my hospital room. Meanwhile, I just stare at Taehyung's gift and taking a deep breath.

// Outside //

"I thought you not going to show up again?! What are you doing here?"

"I just go doing some  check up Jungkook.. chill"

"Then why are you going inside Y/N room?"

"I just want to see her and check on her if she ok or not."

"Whatever, I still can't accept the reason you give it to me. Remember, don't say anything to her about what happened"

"I will.. I will.." 


Taehyung looks at his watch, " I think I should go now, I have something to do today."

"Yeah, thank you for worrying about Y/N"

"Of course I am, besides she's my friend. See you later"


Then Taehyung leaves the room without telling goodbye to Y/N. Jungkook goes back to Y/N room.


"Hey.. feeling alright?" Jungkook ask me.

"Yes.." I notice that Taehyung doesn't come back here. "Where is Taehyung?"

"He already leaves, he said that he has something to do."

"Oh.. I see" 

Then there is silence between me and Jungkook, I try to break the ice so I ask him some question.

"Umm.. Jungkook how is Laura?"

"She's fine."

"Oh.. Ok"

Then Jungkook asked me if I want to eat some fruit. Then I said yes, so he prepare the fruit and we talk a bit more until we didn't realize that it's already evening. I can see the sky change into a beautiful orange mixed with blue color, it's so pretty.

"It's afternoon already? Jungkook you must go home by now."

"No, I'm good for now. I'm going to stay here to accompany you."

"wait, no you can't. How about Laura?"

"I already told her and she's fine with that, and tomorrow is her turn to stay with you."

"Oh, okay. Thank you so much for everything you both had done to me."

"No problem."

Then we continue talking until it's night time then we decided to sleep. Jungkook sleeps in his couch. Then I lay down staring at the ceiling, still thinking who is the one who donated their blood to me. Then I fall asleep thinking about it.

to be continued.......


A/N: [edited]

OMG omg OmG Omg ~ yayy Finally I can publish another part for this. I feel very happy and relief. Thankyou so much for waiting all! I hope I can make it even more interesting to read.

And guys by the way~ I finally  having my holidayyyy yayy! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ I try my best to publish this story more frequently right now. 

I'll be publishing every friday and sunday. I hope you guys have a great day and see you on sunday~ pai pai~

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