~4~sleepover pt 1

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--Funneh's POV--


Sooo....alec said "Oh are you now......?" he said in a playfull way
"Hmph" I turned around


"N.O equalsNO!!!!!"

"Cmon pleazeee funneh..."
Alec said

[End of Flashback]

"Hng..you've gotta catch me first~"
I said while walking backwards..

We ran around the house until he cought me.as soon he cought up to me he backhugged me..

"Nyahh,let mwe go >.<"

"No this is what you get and this is your punishment for running away"Alec carried me to the closet of my room and locked me there

"Let me out!" I said wit struggle you can already know by just listening to my voice "Nope im not letting you out, but if i let you out you have to watch a romance movie with me"

"Ughhhhhhhh fine but why...😣 you know i dont like watching stuff that are soo romantic i dont like it i like horror" i agreed but i also said it very annoyed and still trying to get out but I did get out, but I just endded up falling on top of Alec, I blushed so red like a tomato ughhh STUPID FEELINGS WHY YOU GOTTA BETREY ME.....😣

"Oh ho ho look who ENDDED on top of me ....😏

"W-W-WHAT?!?! U-Uhm N-NO IM NOT"

"Then why are you stuttering then...?"

"Ughhhh FINE I was" I just said it bc I know that HE will just keep on teasing me if i dont tell him, so after a short awkward silence I got off him and stood up"C'mon we gotta go eat dinner im sooooo hungry and Gold is probably done cooking with Kyran" I said I am so hungry ever since we got home, ughhh why did I even run I shouldn't have ran good thing Kyran is helping Gold but i bet its Kawaii themed again like how Kyran always makes his food

[A/N: So G=Gold K=Kyran F=Funneh and A=Alec anyways back to the story!]



F:Were coming were coming!*walks downstairs with Alec*

G:So Alec how was wit chasing Funneh was she fast or did anything happen~😏

A:Nothing happened except when i opened the closet door Finmeh fell on we and she blushed really hard bc I was also teasing her hahahha😂


*everyone laughed so hard except Funneh*

K:Well lets eat the food might get cold



--me--MMMMMMM FOOD🍔🍕🍖🍝🍛🍤🍱🍣🍟🍗🍥🍚🍜🍲🍨🍧🍮🍩🍳🎂🍰🍪🍫🍬🍭🍯hehe sorry now back to the story!

--Funneh's POV--

Yay now time to watch the movie but first make popcorn, we all sat down at the couch when we were done eating dinner Gold was setting up the movie and its 'super romantic' blech no but it is my punishment "Ok guys what romantic movie would you like?" Gold asked us while looking at the movies "how about just some series from a youtuber we like and it can be action and romance"i said just to avoid everything that way its in-game and not real life and those other stuff

"Ok then series from a youtuber then bc it seems way cooler and also easier to find" Gold then searched our fav series from our fav youtuber "Ok guys i'll go and make some popcorn"

I went to the kitchen and make some popcorn geez what is going on there so noisy there only choosing a movie how can they be so noisy? Oh the popcorns done well i better get back

--Alec's POV--

Ughhhh are these people so noisy why do they have to be so noisy man they are a perfect couple too bad Gold already has a bf oh Funneh's coming back i hope she can make these two shut up, I swear I might die in this place after three days at least Funneh is here

"Hey guys im back wit the popcorn, uhhm Alec why are they screaming?" Funneh asked very condused bc of they're screaming "Well they are fighting about i don't know i was just uhhh" Oh no i can't tell her if i tell her i am dead

"Just what?" Uhhhh think Alec think ugh why did i even say that ugh i really have to think more before i talk, I might even die if i don't think gosh i need to think of an excuse"Uhm hello? Alec~?" uhhhhh think fast think fast"I was just uhhhh....... Watching you make popcorn😳"ughhh well at least those two finally stopped "O-O-Oh uhhhhhhm lets just watch the movie now" "yeah sure"

G: Ok now we can finally start
*the awkward scene starts*
F: Ahhhhhhhh its too awkward......😣
A: Then what do you wanna do?
F: Uhm let me see.... SKIP IT
A: No way I'll just do is
F: do what
A:*puts arms around Funneh's neck*
F: Alec you not helping can we just stop now
A: No I like seeing you frustrated, covering your face and screaming
F: I hate you
A: I know

*halfway through the movie Funneh falls asleep*

--Alec's POV--

*Funneh's head falls on Alec's shoulder* "Hm?" oh Funneh fell asleep she is so peaceful when she sleeps*yawns* and im also sleepy now well we gotta get up then

"Gold I'm gonna bring Funneh up now and I'm also gonna sleep now"
"Ok have a nicr sleep"*carries Funneh to bed but not properly yet* there now I gotta change clothes now *gets clothes and changes*"Night Funneh"

*kisses on the forehead and leaves*night Funneh sweet dreams
"*pulls Alec and hugs him like a teddy bear*"

U-uh what I gotta go to sleep I can't sleep here with her *tries to get out of Funneh's grip* ughhhh she's too strong, I can't get out of her grip well I guess all I can really do is hug her back and sleep with her *cuddles with Funneh and sleeps like that*

Well that's all for now and i gotta sleep i look like a raccoon now well hope you liked it byeeeeee mmmmm food🌽🍅🍆🍠🍍🍐🍌🍈🍑🍓🍉🍇🍒🍋🍊🍏🍎🍯🍭🍬🍫🍪🍰🎂🍧🍨🍦🍮🍩🍞🍳🍡🍢🍲🍜🍚🍘🍙🍥🍣🍱🍤🍛🍝🍖🍗🍟🍔🍕🍷🍹🍸🍺🍶🍵

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