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~Funneh's POV~

Alec asked me to prom?!?! Eeeeck "I tought you'd never ask, but yes, I would love to go to prom with you on Friday" welp I gotta face Gold later with shopping for prom I hope Kyran will ask Gold

Alec sat to the bed next to me and hugged me i wonder why..."Im glad you said yes"he said very happilly"You thought I would say no? Now thats just silly, but why tho?" I asked very confused and also laughing on the inside cause why would he think that"I actually dont know" he said a bit embarrassed"Hahahhahaha you may be smart but your also so silly"
I teased him and he pouted"But anyways are you ready for school tomorrow?"Alec asked "Yeah"

*Time skip to the next day*

I woke up to see Alec beside me awake smiling"Welp morning sleeping beauty"he said smirking "Uhhhm morning? But anyways lets get ready for school we dont want detention"I said after looking at my phone I went to the bathroom and took a bath then I went back to my room but then I saw... ALEC?!?! I quickly closed the door and just waited there Alec then opened the door slightly"Funneh why wont you cone in?"he asked very curious"ALEC ARE YOU CRAZY I ONLY HAVE A TOWELL ON WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!"I screamed "O-Oh oops uhhm ok i'll just go on the side of the bed and wont look and you go in the closset"He said "Ughh ok fine I will do your plan BUT YOI BETTER NOT LOOK!" "Of course I wont, dont you have trust in me now go in" "Ughhh Alec why are yoi stubborn fine i'll come in" I walked in and ran to my closset as quick as i can and i looked trough a hole in the door and he really didnt look huh well I guess I can really trust him there im done "Alec you can look now"I said while walking out "oh ok now I will just get ready reall quick you go down now"

I went down and saw Golds burnt food but luckily I have a sandwich in the fridge i'll just put it in the microwave....... Aaaaaaaaaaaand....... DONE! Oh Alec's coming down why is he coming to me "Psst Funneh can we share plsssss" he whispered "Ok... Fine I guess we can share"I said and looked at the time

"Guys lets go to school now its already 7:30am lets go!"I said and walked out the door "Okay we will catch up with you, you go and ready your bike were just gonna finish eating"Gold said "Ok"

*Time skip at school*

~Gold's POV~

I wonder if Prince will ask me to prom ohhh i wish he will oh its almost time for class welp I guess im gonna go to class with Kyran and Funneh is with Alec

As me and Kyran were walking down the halls Prince came up "Hey Gold wanna go to prom with me?"
Eeeeeeeck yaaaas "Yes! I would love to!" Yay this means going shopping with Funneh but we also have a check up to see if were healty its free from the school me and Funneh are going to the hospital with Alec And Kyran after school

*Time skip to lunch time*


G:So where are we gonna meet up after school?

F:How about at the front of the school?


*Time skip to dismissal*

~Funneh's POV~

Yas FINALLY schiil is done me and Alec went to the front of the school but Gold and Kyran still weren't there oh never mind there coming right now "Hey now lets go to the hospital for our check up" we got into Alec's car and went to teh hospital on the way we just talked or listened to music

"Were here!" Alec said and we all got out of the car

*Time skip after the check up*

We were done and waiting at the waiting room and the doctor came in "Miss Heart and miss Glare we have a situation" The doctor said "What is it?" Gold asked "Did you know that you were siblings?" The doctor said wait...... WHAT?!?! "Well my parents did tell me and my other three siblings that we have a lost one but never told us her name"

"Well you two are siblings and miss Glare or should i say miss Heart you will have to tell your parents that you found your reall one and Funneh you will have to tell your parents and your siblings" The doctor said "Okay!" me and Gold said

"Oh and also my or our siblings are gonna be coming here Gold and you are the second oldest i am the middle child then next is Lunar and the youngest is Draco and plus you already know them we just gotta tell them" I said to Gold "Okay now lets go to the mall the boys already went to our dorm to cook dinner" "Okay"

Hey guys I wanted it to be early so you wouldnt have to wait long so here ya go hope you like it but sorry its a little but shorter than the other but hope you liked it and vote if you do like it so i will continue ciao adios!

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