Chapter 2

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"Wow, this is a pretty nice studio!" Sophie says as OG opens the door, letting her in first. "Eh, it's okay! It get's the job done". OG sits on the couch and as Sophie is looking around, he checks her out. He looks her from head to toe. "Perfection" He whispers to himself. "What was that?" Sophie faces him. "Did you say something?". OG quickly thinks of a save and says "I said so what are you into? like what are your hobbies?" Sophie thinks for a minute. If she says reading and painting, he'll think she's weird. "Oh, um... I like to listen to music and... skateboard!" She couldn't skateboard worth a damn, she swore under her breath, too low for OG to hear. "Cool! My mate Oscar likes skateboarding!". It gets silent for a minute, a very awkward silence really. Just when Sophie was about to excuse herself to go back to her hotel, OG says "If you like music, you should listen to our CD! It's called Off The Grid!". He gets up and gets a copy from the soundboard and hands it to her. "Thanks! I should probably head back to my hotel; traffic can get bad". OG frowns a little. "Well, I'll be here all week so feel free to stop by or maybe i can come visit you?" He gets a small sticky note and writes his number down, handing it to her. "Sure! You'll eventually have to introduce me to everyone". She giggles and OG smiles. "Your laugh is beautiful" He says. Sophie blushes and giggles again. "Bye OG" she says and practically runs to her rental car. She was so happy she wanted to cry. She starts the journey back to her hotel.

Back at the studio, OG sits in the middle of the wooden floor of the dance studio and just thinks. "She's gorgeous! I can't get her out of my head!". He gets up and begins to dance while singing "Dumbstruck". When he finishes, he hears clapping from the door where his band mates Oscar, Felix and Omar stand. "We've never seen you get that into a song before!" Felix says while laughing. "Is it that girl you spoke to at the coffee shop?" Oscar questions. "will you three get off my back please? I can't help how i feel!" "Come on OG, you never talk about love! Now's your chance to get a girl, man!" Omar says.  OG nods and says "I gave her my number and invited her back to the studio this week. She's a little shy but, I want to change that!" "You will!" the three others all say in unison. OG looks at himself in the mirror and fixes his hair. He needed to gain confidence and when he did, he knew exactly what he was going to do; Ask Sophie on a date...

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