Chapter 10

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As the movie goes on, OG gets more bored by the second. He didn't let Sophie know that though, he just held her close and played with a small strand of her hair. He was about to get up and excuse himself to get a snack when suddenly, a not so PG rated scene came on. OG stared at the screen; the way Noah pulled Allie's wet clothes off and kissed her roughly, and how they were so in sync that it was almost as if the world didn't matter to them. Suddenly, OG wanted what was happening on the screen. "You alright?" Sophie asks as she sees OG's facial expression. He snaps out of his trance and says a bit shakily "Y-Yeah! Yeah I'm fine, totally fine. Yep!" Sophie laughs. "I can skip this scene if you're uncomfortable! I don't mind!" "No!! I-I mean no, it's fine, I'm comfortable! I promise!" In his mind, OG didn't want the scene to end, ever. That was his dream, his fantasy even, to feel that passion with Sophie.

Late that night, he was laying in the guest room bed just thinking. That scene was getting to him, he wanted it. Of course, all guys wanted sex at some point but OG didn't want just sex, he wanted to make love. He wanted to make love with Sophie. Drag his fingers down her back, feeling her soft skin. Kissing her passionately and feeling her arms around him. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. OG sat up surprised, looking at the green 3 am lit up on the clock. "Come in" he says quickly, knowing exactly who it was. She walks in, him hearing her sniffling. She was crying. "Baby, come here to me" he says firmly, but also comforting. She crawls to him and curls up in his lap. He didn't even care to know why she was crying, he just wanted to hold her and make her feel better. "A-A nightmare" she whispered. After she had fallen asleep again, he went back to thinking about that scene; he couldn't get it out of his mind. His eyelids began to get heavy and he surrendered himself to sleep...

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