Chapter 8

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That night, Sophie's dreams were all about OG. His soft, warm lips against hers and how the way he kissed made her melt. She woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. It was 8 am; way too early. She groaned and answered with a scratchy morning voice. "Hello?" Her ears filled with the familiar smooth voice of her boyfriend. "Well good morning sleeping beauty, how are you this morning?". She had to contain herself from squealing, he was just so amazing. "Oh, nothing much, just trying to get some sleep! Silly boy waking me up at 8 in the morning!" OG laughed at her cuteness. "Well I like to get early to work out!" Sophie could hear the smirk on his voice as she being to picture him shirtless and sweaty. "Ugh you tease!" She says to him. OG laughs again and tells her that he will see her later and he hangs up.

Sophie had rented a small town house that, coincidentally, was right next to where OG lived. She packed all of her things and took a cab there. OG was at the studio, he had sent her a message telling her this. She got unpacked and as soon as she was finished, she heard a car door shut in OG'S driveway; it was him. He didn't know that she had moved there or that she was planning on staying an extra 2 months. Sweden was nice and she really enjoyed it. As she was about to call him, she heard a knock on her door. She opened it and there stood OG: hot and sweaty with his hair pushed back. He was about to say a friendly welcome to his new neighbour but, as he looked down into Sophie's eyes, his jaw dropped. "No... freaking... way! YOU are the girl who started renting this place!? That's fantastic babe!" OG picked her up and spun her around, making them both giggle. "OG! I'm getting all dizzy!" Sophie squealed. OG rested her back against the wall and held her still, forehead against hers. "This is so amazing, you know? Now we can spend a lot more time together!" He kissed her lips gently. "Why don't you come in and shower up? I'll make you some tea!" OG nodded, went over to his house and got a few things he needed and came back over. Sophie new he would want to stay the night and she was anxious to find out what would happen...

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