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He doesn't quite remember when it all started, his gaze just started to linger longer at the olders lips, his gummy smily ended up being even cuter and more endearing, and his body, even more attracting.

Jungkook was at this point completely around Yoongi's little finger. He couldn't help it, he just wanted to make the male happy no matter what.  The fear of a rejection if he confronted the older was more than enough to convince the young man that he shouldn't though. He didn't even know exactly what the raven haired thought of him. Being too shy to ask, he never really found out how the older considered him. His best friend? Just a friend? Something more? - the last thought was more a dream than a possibility though, and he was well aware of that fact. His current state of uncertainty was killing him, causing him to go into little space way more often than he would've needed before. That made it very difficult for him to read his assigned homework and make it to his shifts of his job in time. All he wanted was to be alone in his appartment, cuddled up under one of his big fuzzy blankets on his couch, his stuffies burried in his embrace, watching cartoons with a glass of milk in front of him on his little table, and the babyblue pacifer between his soft pink lips. 

Even in littlespace it was hard for him to get Yoongi out of his head. Which surely said something about how smitten the young boy was. In littlespace he was normally absolutely distant and more than easy to distract. The smallest thing could leave him agape, wide-eyed and giggling or squeking horrified, in a higher pitch than one would believe the young adult would be able to produce.

No in littlespace he wanted the ravenette just as much. In other ways though. He wanted the older male playing with him, bringing him snacks, praising him for the drawings the little made just for him. Those the brunette already had a little stash of. Or little - there was at this point about 15 drawings, all titled with "for Yoonie". He wanted the olders undevided attention, and often found himself softly whining to himself while in littlespace when he discovered he couldn't have just that - on the worst days it could result in full on sobbing, but he praised himself for the fact that it was only on the really bad days something like that would happen. 

To make bad even worse, Yoongi had decided that he would try to cheer the younger up by being even more attentive. He wasn't blind, and he could see the younger were struggeling. If the dark circles under his eyes wasn't a sign enough, his constant yawning, glossy eyes and blank expression sure was. He would ask what was wrong until Jungkook had assured him at least five times that "it is just school". Which was not completely untrue, school was stressing him out, but having to act normal around the older male, who was now trying to be with him even more out of concern, was much more of a stress factor, and most importantly, it was making it impossible for him to go into littlespace.

The ravenette was well aware that Jungkook didn't really have other friends in the city, and having to do homework was simply not an excuse the little could overuse - the fear of hurting the older with obviously turning him down over and over was a too painful thought, so he just put up with it all. And he also truly wanted to be around the older, even though his cheeks would grow warm at the smallest gestures, and his heartrate would highten from his mere presence, he would be able to feel the thumps in his whole body, and sometimes he were sure the older could hear his heart pumping.

While his desperation for free time grew, the possibility to have just that was decreasing even more with the elevated amount of homework that upcoming exams brought. Books would be evident in every corner of his tiny apartment, sheets of paper permanently covering every surface. Studying had turned out to be way more work than he initially had thought, and with fierce competition from his fellow students to be one of the best, it was really no wonder he sometimes felt like he was drowning in schoolwork. Studying law was maybe not the best choice after all. But his studies were all he had, and being on his second year of university, the point of dropping out and not knowing what to do then, was not a tempting alternative either. So he stayed in school, even when it had many negative drawbacks. He often didn't even bother to make food for himself, sometimes it was simply because he forgot to eat. And though he knew that the ravenette was just trying to help when he came by with the leftover food from the resturant he worked at, it forced him to stay in bigspace. And when Jungkook needed to go into littlespace, he needed it. These days, forcing himself to big, brought him serious headaches, like there were small angry dwarfs in the inside of his head, trying to dig their way out. When he finally could slip into littlespace, he would be distressed and often cry till his eyes where swollen before falling asleep. He really couldn't help it anymore.

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