Chapter One: The Fear

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A/N: Hey guys! I’m back with another upload. So, now that we have officially started this fanfic, I can tell you guys about the whole ‘naming my chapters’ thing.

            Every chapter’s name will be inspired by I song that I think fits it best. This first chapter is named after the song The Fear by Lily Allen. Now when you first listen to it you’ll think that maybe it does not hold any relationship with my story.  So here, I’ll explain why it does. In the song, Lily Allen talks about doing whatever it takes to acquire fame or success. In my story, the main character, SallyMarie Holt, has been working her but off to reach her dreams and become someone people look up to. And now she’s seeing her dream unravel right before her eyes. Give the song a listen. It’s amazing.

            I’m sure you’re all sick of me talking and want me to get on with the story. So, without further ado, here you guys have chapter one. 


“Alright guys! That is all for tonight! We had so much fun performing for you guys and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. It is such a shame that our time in this tour is up. Demi, I know I’ve said this about a million times but, if you can hear me, this is me saying it again. Touring with you has been amazing and you have been one of my idols for as long as I can remember so imagine how it feels like to share a stage with my idol. I love you so very much and thanks for this amazing opportunity.

“Now to you guys.” I said directing myself to the crowd “I hope to see you all in the Invincible tour. Again, tickets go on sale August 8th and our first concert is on November 21st. That’s it for tonight guys! We love you. I’m SallyMarie.”

“I’m Landon.”

“I’m Lorna.”

“I’m Holden.”

“I’m Becky.”

“And we’re In for Treason” we said in unison before exiting the stage.

​            As we exited the stage, we were received by my two best friends, Jo Tomlinson and Tamara Davis, and, the one and only, Demi Lovato. She was smiling but the glossy look in her eyes let me know that she was not all that happy. Seeing her like this brought tears to my own eyes. I didn’t hesitate to hug her when I saw her open arms.

“Sal, you did great. It was amazing. How am I supposed to top that?” her voice was breaking but a slight chuckle escaped. I laughed along with her.

“I’m gonna miss you so much you don’t even understand.” Tears now filled my face.

“I know, baby girl, me too. Save me a ticket for that first show of yours cause I wouldn’t miss it for the world, ok?” she said as we let go of each other.

“Of course.” I replied as I wiped the tears from my face.

​            Demi then proceeded to hug the rest of the guys as I made my way to Jo and Tam. Jo had her brown, dip dyed hair waterfall-braided to the left side which for some reason, made her light brown eyes look bigger than usual. Tam had her black hair in her usual, cute messy bun. I hadn’t exactly seen them before the show started so I was surprised to see them both wearing grey muscle tees with our bands logo on them.

“Guys! Where the hell did you get these? They’re freaking amazing!” I said and gave them a big hug.

“Actually, they were a gift from Rony.” Jo clarified. There is no way my dad made these. Dad!

“My dad’s here? Is mom here too?”  I jumped up and down from excitement.

​            I hadn’t seen my parents in about a month and a half when they came to visit us on tour. It felt great to finally see them again.

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