Chapter four: Start of Something New

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A/N: Hey guys! I know, I know... It's been a long time. And for that I apologise greatly. I've been so busy with school that I've barely had time to write. I also want to apologise because this is not my best chapter, nor will the next one be. But I promise you that chapter 8 is going to be great. Just be patient. I'm not stopping this story because I honestly have so much fun writing. Bear with my grammar mistakes; I'm writing on my phone now.

Anyway, the song of the chapter is Start of Something New. Yes, the one from High School Musical... It's kind of a new fresh start for in for treason so I thought why not?

So without further ado, here's chapter four! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!

Loads of love,



A week later, On July 18th to be exact, we were stuck in yet another airplane back to Georgia. But I wasn't complaining. I was finally getting what I wanted and it was everything I could ever ask for.

During the entire plane ride, I slept. I was gonna need it for later on. Peacefully, I slept while I listened to Sleeping with Sirens on my headphones until I was rudely awakened by someone raising the volume to the maximum. I flinched violently as I ripped my headphones off. Landon was, of course, giggling in the seat next to mine.

"You. Little. Fucker." I smacked him as hard as I could while he laughed uncontrollably. "This is why I hate sitting next to you." I said genuinely mad.

"Woah, woah, hey.." he said putting his arm over my shoulder. "I was just trying to wake you up. No need to be mad at me." He kissed my forehead.

"Ew get off me you fucker. I don't wanna talk to you." I pushed him off.

"Fine. Don't talk to me. But stand up and grab your things cause everybody is already getting off." He ordered.

I turned left to see the rest of the band was already on their feet along with Iris. I followed their lead and grabbed my backpack. Soon we were out of the airplane and making our way to the exit. No actual suitcases were needed since we were only staying here for 3 days.

As we approached the exit, the was a tall man holding a small banner with our band's name. He lead us outside without saying a single word. A long black limousine was waiting for us as he opened the door.

"Step in.", he said in a monotone voice.

"Oh kay..." I said as we all got in slightly weirded out.

"My name's Flavio. I'll be your chauffeur for the day." His voice still monotonous. "May I offer you something to drink?"

"Uh yeah. Think you can give us a couple of Mountain Dews?" Holden asked.

"You all get water." He pointed at the ice bucket full of Fiji water bottles.

"Oh, um that's ok. Thank you, Flavio." Becky nervously chuckled.

Without saying another word, he closed our door and got in the driver's seat. We all took our bottles, confusion still clear in our eyes. Five heads turned to Iris' direction with questioning looks.

"Don't look at me. Atlantic sent him over." She held her arms up in defense.

"They could've at least warned us." I giggled.

"You know what? Whatever. That doesn't matter. What matters is that we're in Georgia about to sign a damn record deal." Lorna said, not able to contain her excitement.

"I'm literally shaking." Landon admitted, showing us his hands.

"We need to calm down. And I'm not gonna drink this cause I might pee my pants." I said setting the water bottle down.

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