Chapter Six: Believe in Me

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A /N: Hey guys! I'm back with an early update. This chapter is kind of a filler so I'm sorry that it's a bit short and boring. Not that many people are reading this but I hope that the one or two that are, are enjoying it.

The song for this chapter is believe in me by Demi Lovato. It's a song about being different, but embracing it. I feel like it fits part if this chapter because David and Sally are not every parents dream but they embrace it and so does everyone around them.

But without further ado, here's chapter six! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it!

Loads of love,



Our album had been out up on iTunes and the pre-order had been a complete success. Twitter and tumblr event hysterical once they got the news. I tried my best to reblog and retweet the messages from the fans but eventually hit the limit. Which was a total shame since the guys from had commented on our song. They said, and I quote, "We're pretty sure, they did a much better job with it than we ever could." I was beyond happy and quickly replied to they're message from the band account, thanking them for actually listening to it and what not.

Though the band was clearly very important to me, my mind was elsewhere. It had been quite a while since we got back and I still hadn't heard anything about what happened between my brother and Kelsey. Neither had mentioned anything but it was clear that things had changed. For starters the hand holding was more than evident.

"So um... Momo... Mind telling me what happened with you and Kels? I think it's time for one of you to tell me." I said, popping a piece of chocolate in my mouth. I saw his eyes widened.

"Wh-what? Me and Kels? PFT!" He stuttered through the false statement.

"Oh c'mon! Spill Momo! Did you have sex that night?" I sat up straighter on the couch.

He sighed in defeat and faced me. I smirked as he rolled his eyes at me.

"So we might have had the house to ourselves and she might have put her mouth where mouths don't usually go..." He vaguely described the occurred.

"She fucking what?! Was she good? I mean she definitely has the lips for it." I stated.

"She was amazing. I can't even describe how amazing she was. Oh god I don't even know why I waited. I'm such an idiot." He rambled

"Damn straight you are." I reached out to smack him over the head.

"If she were to like girls, I'd totally tap that." I chuckled.

"Sal, you're literally every parent's worse nightmare." He laughed.

"Oh really? How so?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Well for starters, you're in a band. You dye your hair all the time. You have various piercings. You're not going to college. You curse like a sailor. And let's finish off with the fact that you're bi. You're so lucky they're so understanding." He teased.

"I am lucky." I sighed.

"Well anyway... Wanna go make dinner? I think dad stacked the fridge with everything you like. I saw him come in with about 20 bags while you were in the dance studio." He signalled for me to follow him into the kitchen.

"I hope he bought things for pizza. That's all I'm craving right now." I said as I ran after him.

"Aah, let's see." He said with the fridge wide open. "We got pesto, peppers, spinach, mayo, red onions, mozzarella cheese, and Parmesan cheese." He pulled them all out.

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