Chapter Three: Friends Never Say Goodbye

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A/N: Hey Guys! I'm finally back! I’m so so so sorry for taking so long. I've been a bit busy these past days.

         So the song of the chapter is ‘Friends never say goodbye’ by the great Elton John. It’s a beautiful song. If I’m not mistaken it was featured in the Disney movie ‘El Dorado”. The reason for me choosing this song is because this is the chapter where the band says their last goodbye to Demi. But it doesn’t mean the end of their friendship.

        I also tagged the video to the ‘Yonce’ choreography, if you guys want to check it out.

                        Now, without further ado, enjoy this long-ass chapter I have written for you guys! Here’s the link, boos!

Loads of love,


"You got all your bags?" Demi asked when we met back at her bus after packing everything.

"Yeah I think so. They're already taking them into the airport." Lorna responded.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much." She enveloped us into a group hug. A chorus of "me too's" and "same's" were heard in the bus.

"I guess this is goodbye." I said giving her one last hug.

"Guess it is. Text me when you guys get back to Chicago. I wanna know you arrived safely." She pulled away.

“I will." I said and we left the bus.

        When we got to the front of the airport, there were about 50 fans blocking the entrance. They were so loud you could see security struggling to keep them under control.


        Almost immediately they separated into two groups leaving space for us to walk through. They quieted down and in the distance we heard a girl say

"LANDON CAN I HAVE YOUR BABIES?" Which he replied with

"No thanks, babe. I got a girlfriend waiting for me back home."

        Slight chuckles were heard everywhere.

"Sally! Please, please take a picture with me." A fan about my age called out.  I walked over to her and took the picture.

"Wait!" She called when I was about to leave. " I got you something."

        She handed me a black and green wristband with something written on it with the band's logo's font.

"Aw what is this?" I asked.

"It's a friendship bracelet. Yours says a 'million miles away' and on the inside it says my name and twitter, and mine says 'always in my heart'." She explained.

"Thank you so much, hun!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and promised to where it and follow her. I slipped it on and continued meeting a few fans.

        After a couple of selfies and who knows how many autographs, I felt my back pocket vibrate. This could only mean I pulled out my phone and answered dad's call.

"The plane boards in about 5 minutes. Get your asses over here unless you wanna miss the flight!" Dad said.

"Guys! We gotta go! The plane’s about to board!" I yelled to the others.

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