Chapter Eight: L.A. Baby

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for taking so long with this chapter after I promised to upload it on January 10. It's been quite the mission to write this and do my school work at the same time. I would also like to apologise because I said they would be meeting the boys on this chapter but it turned out to long and I had to split it in two.

This chapter is quite long so I hope you guys find it satisfying. I've worked pretty hard on this. It might have some grammatical mistakes because I didn't do much editing. But, if you find one, feel free to tell me.

The song for this chapter is L.A. Baby. I chose it because I thought it was relevant and it would be funny to incorporate a Jonas Brothers' song to the fanfic.

Anyway... Without further ado... Here's chapter eight! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Loads of love,


"Good morning!" I said brightly as I sat up in my bed.

Though I had barely slept, I was feeling wide awake. It was exactly 12 in the morning. I questioned why I was so awake but shrugged it off. It was pitch dark outside my window, but it was time to wake up. We would be late if we didn't.

"Shut up." Jojo groaned by my side.

"I'm sorry guys, but we need to wake up." I said, apologetically.

"How do you have so much energy such an ungodly hour?" Tam whined.

"You know what? If you guys wake up right now, I'll make you some hot chocolate." I suggested. There was absolutely no movement.

I stood up from my bed and crouched down next to my best friend. His face was shoved into the pillow and he was not moving an inch.

"Hold. Holden." I shook him. He looked at me and squinted his eyes to try to focus his eye sight. "I need you to wake up hun. I really could use the help."

"Ok." He whispered.

"I'm gonna go wash my face and make you guys some warm drinks. Please wake the others and come down." I talked to him in a motherly tone.

My behaviour was weird. I even surprised myself. I had always been motherly to the group but not like this. I've always been rough and loud. At times like this I would usually yell a "wake the fuck up" and keep on walking. But for some reason, it didn't come naturally anymore.

"Can you do that for me, hun?" I stroked his back softly. He gave me a small nod and got up. "Thank you, boo." I got up and walked into the bath room.

I had a small obsession with washing my face. I washed my face at least 3 times a day. It always makes me feel so refreshed. It was only natural for me to do it now. After washing my face and mouth, I shoved my toiletries inside a bag and grabbed my make up bag. I shoved the toiletry one inside my suitcase and the my huge makeup bag in my carry on duffle bag.

I walked silently downstairs. I took a big pot out along with the coffee maker. I took our enough chocolate to make four 16 ounce cups and coffee for six. I opened the bottom pantry and took out ten Grynder's to go cups. We always keep some in the house for situation as this one.

The kitchen smelled great once they were both done. I smiled to myself. As planned, I filled four cups of chocolate and 6 of coffee. I filled the rest of the coffee cups with Irish cream and tasted one to make sure it was sweet enough.

I felt like Holden deserved a little reward for helping me wake the guys. I opened my dad's "secret" compartment and took out Holden's favourite vanilla vodka. He's always liked to put some in his coffee but could only do it when the adults weren't around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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