Chapter Seven: Cigarette Daydreams

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A/N:WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! ANOTHER CHAPTER IN LESS THAN A WEEK! Guys you should be proud of me. I really hope to have another chapter before break ends because I am writing these pretty fast. I would really like people to comment on this. I wanna know if you're enjoying this. Please let me know.

Anyway... The song of this chapter is Cigarette Daydreams. I chose this because it's a very relaxing song. Sally is so relax in this chapter that I thought it fit her.

So without further ado, hear is chapter seven. I hope you like reading this as much as I did writing it.

Loads of love,



I jolted awake once I realised what day it was. August 28th. It was only 6am when I had lost every ounce of sleep I had in my body.

"Guys, guys, guys! Wake the frick up! It's pre-sale day." I yelled as I jumped on the bed I was sharing with Tam and Jo.

The guys had all slept over, including Kels, and Jessica. It was a special day so it was only logical that everyone slept over.

"It's pre-sale day! Get the fuck up!" I screeched even louder.

"Who gave her coffee?" One of the guys whined from the floor.

"Oh stop being shit and get up!" I yelled once again.

"How much longer until the pre-sale?" Lorna mumbled.

"3 hours. We need to get on twitter now. We promised a tweet cam in two hours. Y'all need to get ready. I'm gonna go make you breakfast." I said and jumped out of the room.

Everyone liked pecans so I decided to make my famous pecan and cinnamon waffles. We were about twelve. I took out just that amount and after an hour, I had placed 3 in each plate. I shopped up a whole pack of strawberries and took out the blueberries and topped them with those. I sprinkled some powder sugar and cinnamon on top and yelled for everyone to get down.

When no one came down, I ran upstairs.

"What the hell is taking you guys so long?" I shoved my door open.

And that's where I encountered a tornado. Shoes flying from one side of the room to the other. Clothes hanging in my small balcony, smoke coming from hair straighteners, and yelling, loads of it.

"Landon, Give me my damn onesie back." I heard Jessica yell.

"I need my lip stain." Becky ordered.

"Can I have my brush back?" Holden whined.

"HEY! Pick up this mess and be downstairs in ten minutes. Take any longer and I'll be kicking your asses. And put my makeup where it belongs. I still haven't gotten ready." I ordered loudly and everyone went quiet.

"Good." I said and walked out.

Without knocking, I opened David's room, but regretted my decision instantly. They were engaged in a heated make out session in minor clothing.

"Oh um... Breakfast is ready." I mumbled quickly and slammed the door.

I opened my parent's door next, seeing that they were sat up in their bed, I told them breakfast was ready and headed downstairs to eat took a quick picture for my snapchat and twitter then ate it quickly, knowing I only had half an hour to get ready for the twitcam.

"Guys! Head downstairs, it's my turn to get ready." I said as I entered a much more controlled room.

"Aye-aye captain." Jo joked.

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