Mistake 2

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   Welsh scampered out the cracked open door, dodging the man attempting to walk out. He fled into the alley and down the street, disappearing from view. The canine glanced back as he kept running, turning a sharp corner before stumbling into a fallen garbage can. He panted and his fur was on end, his scruffy, blood stained, torn fur. The pitbull slowly stepped out and yelped as he was grabbed, a rope was wrapped around his neck and he was dragged into a truck, shoved into another cage, this one however was far more cleaner.
    "Let me out! Let me out I'm sorry!" Welsh cried out as he placed his paws over his eyes, laying down and howling in fear and sadness as the truck's doors were shut, minutes later it began to move. The pitbull sighed and cried to himself, looking up at the german shepherd and the mutt sitting in their own separate crates.
    "What a wuss!" The black and white dog called out jokingly, observing the new animal, observing his fresh wounds. "What'd you do? Pick a fight with the wrong cat?" She asked with a snicker, watching as Welsh remove his paws from his face, he sniffled and looked to her. "Not much of a talker, eh?"
    "I-I just escaped" Welsh paused with a frown, not sure how to explain. It was all he knew, there was nothing before the fighting, before the endless cages, the dark, the moist and cold. "From my home, they hurt me and,, I didn't know what else to do." The pitbull tried to explain before sniffling and looking away. The other dog tilted her head and frowned as well.
    "Is that what those marks are from?" She asked before the other dog shut the two of them up, standing up and growling "Jee sorry! Didn't know small talk bothered you so much, Rex!" The near border collie joked before she was snapped at by the large black and tan dog. He eyed the pit before staring the girl in the eyes, giving her a long hard look.
    "We're not here to talk. We need to find a way out!" The dog named Rex barked viciously, stomping a paw before eyeing the lock on his cage. He stood on his hind legs and messed with the lock with his nose. He placed his paws on his and shifted it for several minutes before it slid open, the german shepherd's tail wagged, he smiled and stepped out quickly. The truck came to a stop and the dog frantically got up and unlocked the other's prison cell. They glanced to the pit, the mutt looked to her savior.
    "Aren't you going to help him? He needs us!" She suggested, his ears folded flat against her head as she watched the shepherd carefully, occasionally glancing to the last caged dog. Rex slowly nodded and unlocked the final cage, staring Welsh in his dark eyes. The three stood at the locked truck doors as they heard the men step out from the front of the vehicle. Seconds passed, the doors swung open and the canines made a break for it, scampering away into the road, narrowly slipping past cars and running into the nearest alleyway. The men chased them, straying away from the animal shelter so close to them.

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