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As Welsh gently followed Wendy he glanced up at the cat carrier she held. He tugged at his leash a bit, straggling behind nervously. He listened carefully to the gentle purring inside the small cage, if four cats could handle that, he could handle entering a new door. The human fumbled around with her keys before unlocking her home, entering it slowly, allowing the canine to take his time and adjust. Welsh observed carefully as he stepped forward, stepping through the doorway. His tail wagged after she shut the door and removed his leash, she then opened the door to the cat carrier. The adult squeezed out excitedly, smiling to his larger friend.
"I told you we'd find you one!" Jasper whispered with a wink as Wendy dropped to her knees in front of the pit, who flinched and looked away nervously, she then wrapped her arms around him and he sank into the embrace. Welsh sighed as he licked her cheek excitedly, his whole body wriggling as he wagged his tail. The pitbull stared at his feline companion, his gaze shifted to Joyce, Eve, and Fayre as they quickly stumbled out of the crate. They approached their brother, rubbing against him before rubbing against Welsh and Wendy.
"Yeah,, you sure did." The canine replied softly as he grinned, nuzzling the blonde girl. She then let him go and took the crate away, moving it elsewhere, she then quickly began to move things out of the way, in a way, baby proofing the house for a short while. She then slipped out the door and returned several minutes, carrying food bowls, and bags of supplies.
"I'll take you on a walk later tonight, in the mean time you guys go get settled!" Wendy exclaimed happily as she began placing the supplies in a cupboard, placing several bowls down around the house. She then kneeled down in front of Welsh, showing him his purple collar, the bronze and silver tags shined brightly. Engraved on one of them was his name. "I don't know about you,, but you look like a Welsh to me!" She explained with a hum in her voice.
"I think from now on things will be different." Jasper whispered with a sigh of relief, his nose twitching as he lied down on a windowsill, sunlight pouring down onto him. His sisters quickly found their place and began playing with a stuffed mouse their new human had tossed to them; Welsh quietly approached the couch and sat himself down next to it, wagging his tail, waiting for his owner, his first human. She followed him and sat on the couch, gently petting him. She turned on the tv and set the volume low, what a perfect friday afternoon.

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