Mistake 4

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    The pitbull smiled lightly at the sympathetic feline, who smiled back before continuing to walk, Welsh was compelled to follow. Jasper began to frown, feeling worry and sorrow for the red and white dog as he glanced over the scars and scabs. He then looked to Mayo, who only sat there, staring off at everyone, it seemed as if she wasn't comprehending it, while Rex continued to follow, however he kept his distance and his head low.
    "What brings you here, my fellow quadruped?" Jasper asked, looking up at the clouds as he walked along the telephone wires, noting his own balance and keeping weary of the angered german shepherd. "It looks to be as if something happened." He commented softly, hoping that it wouldn't trigger the kind dog, hoping he wouldn't press any buttons, knowing what those teeth could do to him.
    "We're just wandering. Staying away from humans." Welsh explained happily, wagging his tail as he watched the cat. "I guess you live here? It's very nice and quiet." He mentioned as he took in a nice heap of air.
"It is,, even with my three sisters." Jasper joked casually, he then looked back at Rex, hoping the dog wouldn't get any ideas. The feline kept an eye on him, begining to question why he was sparing him from the farmer.
"There's others here? That's really neat!" Welsh complimented with a wag of his tail. This dog gave Jasper hope, a feeling that canine-kind has a chance, has potential. "How does the farmer treat you guys? Do you like it here?" The pitbull asked, curious, having only met kittens under,, panic inducing situations.
    "The farmer treats is nicely! Feeds us every night and morning, praises us when we bring him things, and occasionally cuddles us whenever we're inside!" Jasper replied to the questions, smiling warmly, realizing how lucky he was. "You said you were wandering,, I know a spot on the property you could stay on if you need it for the night, the farmer never goes back there!-"
    "You're setting us up, we won't take the bait!" Rex snarled, startling the feline. Glaring at him as he thought of ripping the smaller animal to pieces. "You're lucky you're up there! I'll leave bits of your hyde scattered about to leave as a present for your sisters once I get the chance!" He added, standing up on his hind legs as he barked and snapped.
    "Save your breath, cat killer! I was trying to help you!" The cat hissed, he then began to walk faster down the line. He then shook his head and turned, staring the dog down. "But you can forget it! Dogs are all the same, disgusting pests filled with bloodlust! It's never enough is it!? You just have to keep killing!" Jasper spat angrily, his tail flicking as he yelled at the canine. He then looked to the pitbull and shook his head. "Get off the property, you belong on the streets. Not here." The cat stated hatefully, jumping off the wires to a nearby tree, standing on the sturdiest branch. Rex darted to the tree, barking and circling it, snarling and getting on his hind legs to get closer.
    "Rex! Rex this is going to get us killed!" Mayo barked as she ran to him, nudging him away, he barked and bit her on the snout. She yelped and backed away frantically, looking to the feline and then to Welsh, who looked confused and terrified.
    "You think I'm scared of you!? Scared of your master and his gun! I'm not! We're not!" The german shepherd called out as he circled around the tree. "You have no authority! You are nothing, rat!" Rex barked before looking to Mayo. "And you! Who do you think you are!? You are insubordinate! Below me! Do not ever pull another stunt like this! You hear me!?" The large dog screamed in frustration, his gaze turned to Welsh's, who stared him in the eyes. "Wait till I say bite, pit. That's what your breed does best."
    "You control with fear, pathetic. You are not a true leader." Jasper pointed out with an angered grin. "One of these days, they'll grow tired of you, and they will kill you. It happens more often than you think." The feline said as he began searching for a way out.
    "Rex,, we should go." Welsh suggested before the larger dog turned to him, growling madly, slowly stepping towards him. "Rex!!" The pitbull whined as his tail fell between his legs, he began to step backwards. The farmhouse which stood far from the tree suddenly came to life as the door was kicked open, a large man holding a shotgun stood at the doorway, looking around the field before spotting the canines. He cocked his gun and approached quickly, with a stomp in his step. "Rex!!" Welsh cried out in a panic, staring at the man, frozen, shaking.
    "He would have gotten the farmer anyway! This was the plan! In the name of revolution; tell my story for this is history in the making!" Rex called out, improvising in a blind rage as he charged the farmer, snarling as he approached faster than the man could aim. He jumped onto him and attacked, claws piercing skin, teeth ripping, crushing. The farmer gagged and screamed as he bashed his fist into Rex's skull. The dog found his mouth wrapped around his throat, squeezing, biting. The struggle lasted longer than the other animals could endure, Welsh turned away, Mayo stared in horror. Jasper flew down the tree, disappearing in the tall grass, the field suddenly became silent and unnerving. The farmer stopped breathing.
    "Rex, why would you do this!?" The black small dog screamed before hushing herself, watching as the german shepherd began eating the man's jugular. "Rex,, y-you killed him." She uttered out quietly, continuing to watch before she heard barking. She looked to the farmhouse to see another dog, running out of his home, an anatolian shepherd bolted out of the doorway and through the grass, lunging at Rex. The two of them rolled on the ground as they bit at each others throats, they both then stopped, staring at each other.
    "Ben?" Rex asked as he sniffed the other shepherd. He then smiled as he lifted himself up, wagging his tail slightly. The other dig stared at him before looking to the human corpse lying in the dirt. "I can't believe it's you,, it's been so long."
    "What was your reason? Why did you kill him?" Ben asked bluntly.
    "In the name of rebellion." Rex stated before being interrupted.
    "He was going to kill us!" Mayo cried out, whimpering as she feared for her life. The large, light colored dog stared at her, then he looked to the corpse again. The german shepherd growled at her, shooting a glare.
    "Well,, good riddance. I never liked watching over sheep anyway." Ben sighed as he began walking, one by one they other three began to follow, each of them questioning what in the world had just happened. "I didn't care much for the farmer, I was born free, Rex, you taught me that I needed no human. Now,, you mentioned a rebellion?" The large dog asked, smiling slightly, looking interested.
    "The human rule is coming to an end, brother." Rex began, grinning madly as he realized, he killed a man with a shotgun, this rebellion would not be has hard as he thought. Mayo and Welsh watched from behind the larger dogs, following them slowly back to the barbed wire fence, the pit looked back at the tree, where the cat had once been, he felt like for a short moment they were friends, his only friend, was already gone.

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