Mistake 3

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    Welsh followed Rex and the mutt frantically, being the slowest of the three. He slammed into walls and stumbled over trash cans and rocks, the dog panted and whined, dropping to his stomach once the three came to a stop. The german shepherd huffed with a smile, his fluffy tail wagging, he licked the forehead of his friend.
    "Mayo, we made it!" The large dog exclaimed, the mutt sat herself down, occasionally looking to the end of the alleyway. "Those men were up to no good! No humans ever are." Rex claimed with a sigh of relief. "I swear, someone needs to rise up and put them back in their place, if I could do it. I personally would!" He barked with enthusiasm, he turned his attention to the weakend pitbull. "Now you,, the whole plan could have been jeopardized if you were too slow, thank you for being mediocre. What's your name?"
    "M-My name's Welsh." The worn out dog whimpered, leaning his head down at the other in respect, and out of fear. The larger dog nodded his head, turning and beginning to walk through the alleyway, the other two canines reluctantly following.
    "Who named you? Your mean owner? But it's such a cute name!" Mayo asked as her tail wagged, she stepped forward lightly, looking carefully ahead as the alleyway lead to an open intersection. "Oh jeez. This could get us in trouble."
    "Not if we pass through quickly, common." Rex exclaimed as he bolted into the sunlit streets, ducking under cars and around suddenly panicking pedestrians. The other two chased after him, attempting to mimick his movements, narrowly dodging accidents and crashing into the humans around them.
    "Rex! Rex this is bad! We shouldn't be out here!" Mayo cried out as she ran down the busy hot sidewalk. She glanced back and watched Welsh stumble over his own paws. His wounds were much clearer, the bloodstains and clear bruising. Her smile faded before she turned her head forward again. The three continued down the street until it became a single path, surrounded by telephone wires and fields. The alpha canine dove into the tall grass, barely slipping passed the barbed wire fence. Mayo jumped through the gap with ease and landed with a tumble on the other side, shaking the dirt from her fur. The pitbull squeezed through, yelping as his skin was nicked by the rust. He whined as it scraped down his back, he huffed, sitting down after he escaped the wire. "Are you okay?"
    "I-I'm fine, thank you! Now what?" Welsh asked, looking back at the long stretch of highway that lead to seemingly nowhere. His tail wagged at the taste of freedom, for the first time he wasn't afraid. A butterfly gently flew passed the three, the large canine smiled before forcing it down, hiding it from the stoic larger dog. Mayo glanced at him with a soft smile of her own, reassuring, calming.
    "You three should leave, the farmer doesn't like pests." A strange voice from above warned quietly. The canines lifted their heads to lock eyes with a russian blue feline, who stared blankly. "I'm sorry to seem rude, but I'm in charge of pest control, and you three are going to be the biggest problem I will have ever faced if you don't leave." The cat explained as his tail slowly swayed. Rex then immediately began snarling and barking, his fur standing on end as he gave a vicious glare.
    "You have no authority here! Stay in your own lane!" The german shepherd called out, spitting and growling. The other two glanced at him before looking back at the feline, who only raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Go on home to your master, slave!" Rex spat hatefully.
    "Oh you have been mistaken, I have more freedom than you ever will. I kill whatever I please whenever I please! And in return I am loved, this looks like something that will never happen to you." The cat laughed with a sigh, he slowly began to walk forward on the line, turning his back on the three so far away on the ground "However the farmer will be out here with the death stick shortly. I want you to know that the cause of your death will be my telling. The cause of your death will be Jasper." He said as he hummed. Welsh quickly stood up and began following, looking concerned.
    "Is that your name?" He asked the cat, frowning, begining to fear for his life. "A-And what's a death stick!?" The pitbull cried out, whining at the other who stood above him calmly. The cat looked down at him with raised eyebrows, an ear twitched as he glanced to the german shepherd who was following, still growling and occasionally releasing a threatening bark.
    "Well isn't that a sight. I heard dogs like you are the worst, but here you are, being rational and choosing to spend your time asking questions instead of acting a fool like your friend. Yes, my name is Jasper, and the death stick is what the farmer uses whenever he needs to kill something. It's very loud and seems heavy, it has made birds fall from the skies and deer drop dead." The feline explained kindly, his tail continuing to sway in the wind.
    "Those are called guns." The pitbull informed quietly, letting his head down with a sigh. Jasper stopped and stood there. "So the farmer is going to shoot us? Well, thank you for telling me. N-Nice to meet you Jasper." Welsh whined as he looked to the barbed wire fence, wincing at the thought of trying to crawl through it again, then feeling his heart sink at the idea of being shot.
    "If it makes you feel any better, I don't see you as the pest, only your hardheaded friend." Jasper replied somberly, suddenly second guessing himself, thinking twice. "Perhaps,, I will say nothing. However all this barking will definitely get his attention, so I suggest you shut your yap." He added as he shot a glare to Rex.

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