Correction 8

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    "Welsh? Welsh wake up!" A friendly voice called out gently, the pitbull felt a gentle pull in his ear before he woke quickly, frowning and looking around in a panic. "Hey calm down! It's okay! You were whimpering in your sleep, are you alright?" The male feline asked with a tilt of his head. The pit sighed in relief, eventually smiling again and nodding. "Is it safe for me to assume you had a nightmare?" Jasper added to his constant wonders and suspicions. Welsh slowly nodded, glancing away as the remnants of his dream remained in his brain, a bittersweet sentence replayed.     "You know,, it's perfectly normal, after everything you've been through. It's okay. Your problems are valid and if,, if you want to talk about them you may. My sisters are downstairs hunting for mice in the kitchen."
    "So much has happened,, I always wanted to be sweet. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I was born for it." The pitbull whispered, feeling tears prick at his eyes as he felt anxiety crawl on his back and paranoia invade his mind. He laid his head down and shut his eyes, frowning and holding back sniffles. The feline beside him curled up close, nuzzling the dog.
    "No one is born to hurt others, it isn't your fault." Jasper reassured quietly, purring into the miserable canine. "You didn't ask for this." The blue cat added, staring at the red and white fur, frowning as he felt the negative energy, the bottled up pain and fear, slowly boil over the edge. Welsh quickly began to sob into the stained sheets as his friend laid at his side, trying his best to comfort him.
    "But I was,, about a month after I-I-I was born I was taught to fight. I was put in and out of r-rings, forced to fight o-other dogs! I didn't want to! I didn't want to! I-I rarely b-bit I-" The pitbull cried out, placing his paws over his eyes as he whimpered and sobbed.
    "I know,, I could smell it when you first got here, Welsh, it's okay. The world forgives you." The cat replied, his tail gently swaying. "You'll get justice one day, I'm sorry." Jasper added, resting a paw on his friend's shoulder. "You deserve so much better, you deserve kindness and love, butterflies and all the best pals in the world!"
    "I-I didn't want to kill Rex, I-I didn't I s-swear!!" Welsh muttered to himself as he removed his paws, occasionally glancing to the feline, who stared at him painfully, knowing there wasn't much he could do. "I should have helped you and your owner! I-I'm so sorry!"
    "None of this is your fault! You didn't know Rex would have done that! You didn't know you could stop it! You didn't bite my human, you didn't do anything. You're sweet and kind! You are good! You have always been good!" Jasper exclaimed as he slowly stood up, pawing at the pit. "You know what! Tonight we shall leave! We will find you a human! They will love you and care for you! You will not be hurt ever again." The cat called out excitedly, lifting his friend's face up to look him in the eyes. "Not all humans are bad, I will make sure you stay safe!"
    "But what about the rebellion? Canine-kind plans to take over!" Welsh protested, his ears drooping low while he sniffled, he shook his head gently as fear coursed through his veins, feeling his paws grow cold.
    "They'll steer clear of you! You killed their leader, you are the alpha dog. You are the strongest!" Jasper replied, nuzzling the canine, smiling excitedly.
    "I-I didn't w-want-"
    "A true leader won't kill unless he has no other choice, he will negotiate and talk." The feline explained sternly, lifting the dog's chin up high. Finally earning a weak and somber smile from the pit. "You did your best to spare that psychotic dog's life. He bit first, remember that. You are not a monster. Now what do you say?"
    "Okay,, w-we can go find a human, what qualifies as a good human?" Welsh asked as he wiped tears away from his cheeks. His smile growing wider as hope ignited in his heart, he lifted himself to a sit, his tail wagging slightly. He looked down at the blue feline, who's face lit up with excitement.
    "Unconditional love, pure kindness, and endless support." Jasper stated with a nod before he jumped off the bed, he quickly began trotting out the door, the dog followed clumsily, his claws tapping against the wooden floor. The two descended down the stairs happily, the feline suddenly froze as he saw the large anatolian shepherd shoving his snout into a cupboard violently, snarling madly. Jasper scampered to the dog in a blind rage and jumped onto his face, his claws digging into the canine's flesh, pulling him slightly away, knowing exactly what he was here for. "Stay away from them!"
    "Ben!!" Welsh exclaimed before he climbed over the stair's railing and charged into the kitchen, ramming himself into the larger dog, knocking him to the tile floor. Jasper madly began clawing into the canine's eyes, biting him and kicking his snout. Ben barked and shook his head roughly, flinging the russian blue off of him. He then bit the pitbull and forced the smaller dog onto his back, pinning him.
    "You're always going to be a violent dog! Common! Prove my point! Bite me like you bit Rex! Kill me and prove to the makers of this earth that your breed was meant to kill!" The anatolian shepherd screamed as he bit Welsh several times all over his body, ripping fur and bits off of him, blood pooled around the two quickly before Jasper jumped back onto the canine's face, leading the dog blindly through the open front door, the two crashing to the mud. Welsh quickly looked into the cupboard and gently grabbed the three kittens, placing the oldest sisters on his back, where they clung onto him for dear life. He then gently held the youngest in his mouth, her body crumpled and bleeding.
    "Jasper!!" The pitbull called out hysterically as he bursted out the front door, staring at the mess in the mud. The dog chasing the cat, teeth bared, bloody body and face, he could no longer see, Ben's eyes stuck shut from the pain. The mad canine continued to chase and attempt to violently maul. As the pit stood in fear the feline mouthed one simple word. "Go." Welsh's lip shook as tears broke through his eyes, rolling down his fur. He stood for a short moment before nodding and running to the barbed wire fence, the siblings began crying out for their brother. The shepherd turned to hear the cries, changing direction and chasing blindly.
    "Finish what you started, cat killer!" The adult feline screeched as he charged forward and jumped onto the dog's back, digging his claws into his flesh. Ben yelled and winced as the cat crawled up him, back to ripping at his face. Welsh squeezed through the wires frantically, safely getting himself and the girls through, running down the street as fast as his body could take him. "Fight me instead! Leave them!"
    "He killed Rex! He single handedly ruined the rebellion! They're all dead! Being killed at this very moment!" Ben snarled as he crashed into the barbed wires, entangling himself until his ripped through, breaking an entire wire. The mad dog continued chasing the pit, head first down the abandoned highway, that was before the feline spotted the car speeding down the road. He watched as Welsh ran into the grass, avoiding it while he was ahead. Jasper nodded, determined. He felt weak, in pain. He pulled the dog by the skin towards the car as it drove, staring at his friend and sisters as they made impact, the pitbull shielding his eyes and turning the three away.
The vehicle came to a halt, several feet too late. Ben and Jasper lied on the street, blood surrounded the two, both unconscious. The pitbull turned and quickly approached the scene, placing Fayre onto his back, her sisters holding her tight. The canine held his head low as the silver car's door opened, an older woman and man stepped out quickly, staring at the two animals sprawled out across the pavement, they then watched at the pit gently grabbed the feline by the scruff of his neck. Quickly he booked it, running down the road with teary eyes. The vehicle eventually abandoned the bloody anatolian shepherd, there was nothing they could have done. The run slowed to a trudge, Welsh sobbing silently as he walked, exhaustion taking it's toll on the dog. After the sun began to set he watched as his vision blurred and faded to black. Echos of frantic kittens were all he heard, and even they eventually became silent.

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