Mistake 5

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    The four canines walked down a city street, having gone back the way they came. The party was slightly bigger now, by one. Rex and Ben howled next to apparent buildings and neighborhoods throughout the night. Their insubordinates following close behind. Words and promises of freedom echoed down alleyways and the skies, dogs all throughout the city, one by one, began to ask questions among themselves, were they happy with how things were?
    "Rex, are you sure you want to do this? You could become the most hated dog ever known,," Mayo began, walking behind him and his friend. "This can get you killed, we can stop now!" She whispered before being silenced by his loud voice.
    "Listen, friends! Your humans see you as nothing more than toys! You mean nothing, once you die, you are replaced! Join me, join me and their rule will be over! They won't take us for granted any longer! They won't enslave you any longer!" Rex screamed out into the streets, watching as other canines approach windows or stop to stare. He knew he caught their attention.
"My mother named me,," The pitbull quietly mentioned under his breath. Mayo looked to him, tilting her head. He looked to her smiled slightly, glancing as the shepherd continued to preach and brainwash. He sighed as he looked on, shifting his gaze back to the black and white dog.
   "Huh?" Mayo questioned quietly.
   "A while back you asked who named me, my owners didn't name me,, they didn't. My mom did." Welsh explained kindly, frowning as he struggled to remember what she looked like, what she sounded like.
"They don't love you!" Rex barked, finishing his preaching. He then looked to Welsh. "Look to my friend! Abused by his masters! You can see it for yourself!"
    "W-Wait-" Welsh began before cutting himself off. He frowned and looked to the concrete beneath him. Mayo glanced to him and nuzzled him softly, frowning as she stared at the german shepherd. The pit shook his head and fell into a silence as onlookers stared and began to step forward, forming a crowd of dogs in less than an hour behind an apartment complex.
"Fellow canines, we evolved from wolves, they were enslaved and forced to breed, and now we're here. Still enslaved, no rights, endless torture. Help me end this, I beg of you." Rex exclaimed, the crowd stared and nodded, thinking to themselves, realizing what had to be done. "Something has to change, or fates can't be held in the fingers of these creatures, just because they walk on two legs gives them no right to control us!" He preached, he glanced back at Welsh and Mayo, watching the black dog eventually smile and stand beside him. He turned back to the crowd, he had one, looks of determination and pride filled their faces as they begun barking and howling, hollering and yelling battle cries.
"Mayo, what are you doing?" The pitbull whispered, the female turned slightly, shaking her head lightly at him before turning to Rex, smiling with pride. "I thought,, we were on the same page. Why are you-" Welsh began before silencing himself. Slowly stepped away from behind the three, looking back at the highway where they had come from, thinking about the farm, Jasper, wishing he could go back and hide. Cover his eyes with his paws, block out the aggressive barks and yells, his memories rushed to the center of his mind, he frowned and took in deep breaths.
    "Welsh! Where are you going? We need your strong jaws, there will be trouble because of this." Rex called out as he glanced to the pit. He stood up and turned around, every canine watched with concerned eyes, some looked suspicious, anxious. "Are you a coward? Come! Sit next to us in this proud moment!" The german shepherd exclaimed with a large smile, wagging his tail. For once he looked sincere, kind, excited.
    "I,, I'm not sure this is a good idea!" The wounded canine muttered, Ben stood up and glared at him. "This is putting so many lives at risk, is this really worth it? They're so much stronger!" Welsh protested anxiously, leaning his head down, trying not to offend the larger dogs. "I'm n-not a coward, I'm just worried!"
    "This is our only choice! You of all dogs should be on our side! You experienced extreme abuse!" Ben snarled, approaching the pitbull quickly, getting in his face, snorting as he looked down on the red and white dog. "You either are with us! Or you're with them! Choose, mutt!" The anatolian shepherd yelled, watching as all the others looked upon the show, all judging the very second. "Time is of the essence, now or never, Welsh! Who's side are you on?"
    "T-The rebellion!!" The pitbull cried out in fear after a moment of hesitation, whining as he looked to the ground, his tail between his legs. The main three nodded at him, Mayo looked on him with sympathy before turning away. The other began hollering once again, cheering as the fantasy of world domination filled their heads. "I b-belong to the rebellion, put my life on the line,, i-if it means freedom." Welsh whimpered with a terrified frown, the image of the tosa, snapping jaws in his face, replayed in his mind. Those colorful kittens that he left behind, he shook his head and shut his eyes, laying down and placing his paws gently over his eyes.
    Word of the rebellion was spread within seconds, dogs slithered in the alleyways, howling out songs of freedom. More and more followed, overnight thousands snuck out of their homes, left their garbage cans, ripped out of their own leashes. They gathered behind that one large apartment, plans begun to unfold, grins and sin filled the animals that evening. The lapdogs pledged bloodshed, the once home protectors promised chaos and insanity, and the once human companions told stories of the most cruelest ideas. Rex sat at the front of the growing mob, smiling to himself as three other dogs sat next to him, slightly behind him. He knew what he had just started, he had just created an army of bites worse than the original barks, he knew that once they were done, he would be the closest thing to a god. Dawn began to climb out of the skies, sunlight touched the city slowly, and as soon as people began stepping outside, the rules went out the windows.
    The hellhounds were let loose, canines of all species ran into the streets, chasing individuals down, barking madly. A group of several dachshunds attacked a child violently, leaving his bloody, lifeless body to bake in the heat. A golden retriever killed his own owner within seconds, ripping off his collar and eating it after. A duo of dobermans played tug of war with a woman. Screams filled the city, police cars arrived quickly, they opened fire but it was to no avail. Although dogs died, the men and women with guns did not win the fight.

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