Mistake 6

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The city was taken over within hours, the streets were empty, cars sat idly as smoke gently floated out of their engines. Blood stained the pavement, canines walked down the sidewalks unaccompanied by humans. Rex sat on the rooftop of an abandoned hotel, looking down at the now quiet city that was now his.
"Isn't it perfect? The rebellion is working, we will go to the next town and recruit even more soldiers! We will never have to worry about humans again!" The german shepherd exclaimed happily, looking down over the edge. Mayo looked to Ben, then to Welsh, who sat on the other side of the rooftop, his head drooped down low, eyes shut, completely alone. "We'll be safe,, free." Rex sighed, his tail wagged gently, watching canines gain their independence.
"It is,, but we're disrupting the balance. They were the dominant species for a reason, right?" The black dog quietly asked, holding her breath as she watched carefully, keeping her distance. The shepherd turned to her, staring into her eyes with a raised brow, he then laughed and shook his head, he was in such a perfect mood. "...Rex?"
"They were dominant by chance! It is our turn now! Good one, Mayo" The large canine laughed, sighing and approaching calmly, nuzzling the female. "You're the only one worthy of sharing jokes with me!" Rex yipped, wagging his tail.
"I,, wasn't joking, Rex. I'm really starting to wonder if this is such a good idea-" Mayo began before being interrupted, her ears folded flat against her head, her single white paw took a step back. Her head leaned down as he towered over her. "P-Please don't be mad!!" She exclaimed quickly as she began to walk backwards, the german shepherd's smile faded, returning to it's usual cold stare.
"Mad? Why would I be mad? You're only questioning my authority!" Rex growled as he slowly walked towards the smaller black dog. He ignored as Welsh turned around and watched with worried eyes. Rex began shoving Mayo backwards, he snarled and snapped at her, herding her away, forcing her closer to the edge of the rooftop. "Mayo, I always saw you as a suitable mate, but you had to ruin it,, by running your mouth. You always had that problem. I've given you too many chances. This rebellion will go on just fine without you.
"T-This rebellion is an excuse for genocide!" Mayo barked as her fur stood on end. She quickly planted her paws on the ground, growling as she stared up at the german shepherd, the pitbull stood up quickly and gave her an approving subtle nod. However just as he did, Ben also stood to his feet. Glaring at her and looking to the other shepherd.
"Kill her! She'll only get in the way! There are plenty of other females!" Ben yelled out, stepping forward, snarling at the girl. Welsh stared at him and growled, quickly running to her side, but then stopping as the other larger dog dove in the way quickly blocking him off. "What are you doing, traitor!?" The anatolian shepherd yelled, shoving the pitbull to the ground. "She is not worth the punishment of betrayal and treason!" Ben explained coldly.
"Rex, you're nothing but a bad dog, they should have put you down when they had the-" Mayo began to scream out before she was quickly silenced. Teeth ripped into her jowl, she was swung over the edge without warning, as she fell she grew silent, watching the homicidal canine stare her down as she approached the ground. Within seconds she came into contact with the hot pavement, the impact ended her instantly. Welsh stared at Rex, his mouth wide open, his body shaking, the sound of her body hitting the ground rang in his ears.
"You killed her." The pitbull said blankly, he was afraid, hurt, and now numb. His throat ran dry while the german shepherd turned and approached quickly. Ben stepped out of the way swiftly to let the dog have his way. Welsh stared him down shakily, standing as tall as he could for the first time in his life as Rex got in his face. "You killed one of the only dogs who's been by your side this whole time!" Welsh cried out, now growling. "Killing your comrades isn't leading them!"
"I was chained to a tree during the hottest months with no food or water, I snapped one day as I was on the verge of dying of dehydration. I killed my owner. I was picked up by humans and put in a cage, they intended to end my life. I escaped. I was caught again, and I escaped with you. I will ask again. One final time. Who's side are you on?" Rex asked menacingly, staring into the pit's soul. There was a long silence, an intense stare off, before another word was spoken. Blood slowly dripped from the black and tan dog.
"I will never be on yours, ever again." Welsh spat before Rex tackled him to the ground, barking madly and yelling obscenities. The pitbull pushed him away with his large paws, shaking his head and growling frantically as he rolled away. "I'm not fighting you, Rex!" The pit called out before he looked to the open door that lead to the stairwell, it was how they had gotten to the roof. Ben began howling to alert the others, within minutes other canines ran up the stairs, stepping into the area, forming a ring if dogs, Welsh couldn't escape. He felt trapped, he was reminded of the horrors of his old life. "It doesn't have to be like this! Just let me leave, I'll go live my own life, I'll stay away!" The pit began to plea, staring at the circle of bystanders.
"No! You owe me your life, I saved you, and I shall kill you!" Rex screamed out with a laugh before lunging at the pit, who dodged and began searching for a way out, refusing to bite, knowing what it would make him. "There's no getting out of this one, Welsh! Accept it! You were born to die!" The german shepherd growled as he charged, ramming into the other dog, biting his face several times, his arms, scruff, trying to reach his throat. Welsh kicked him away and quickly stood tall, huffing as blood ran down his cheek and eye.
"I don't want to do this, Rex!" The red and white dog cried out, feeling sorrow wash over him. The german shepherd shook his head and charged again, knocking the pit to his back. He placed his paws onto his neck and began pushing him down, choking him.
"Well I do!" Rex cackled as he leaned down quickly to tear into the other canine's throat. However a large paw slapped him to the ground, Welsh turned and sunk his teeth into Rex's throat, passing through the fur and suffocating the larger dog with ease. He pushed down harder and harder, his jaws locking on his enemy's jugular. Rex yelped and whined, crying out as he gasped for breath, shaking violently. The pitbull released after a few minutes passed, after the german shepherd became limp and cold. Blood dripped out Welsh's mouth and down his chin as he stood over Rex's body. He looked at the gathering of dogs, how they stared in horror.
"He would have killed you all if it meant his own pride." Welsh said firmly before wiggling through the now loosened ring. He lightly stepped passed, they turned to stare, some growled and snarled, other stood in silence. "I don't plan to come back, carry on with your rebellion, I don't want to be apart of it." The pit added somberly as he treaded down the stairs with a lowered head. He heard whispers as he exited the building, everything went quiet.
"Who will lead us now?"
"Is that the end?"
"I miss my human..."
"This was a mistake."
"The rebellion's over?"

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