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    Welsh found himself in a cage, alone, cold, and his wounds stung more than usual. The canine whined and whimpered as he watched a young woman walk by quietly, however she stopped and crouched down to the cage, observing the pit with a clipboard, her light blue caught Welsh's tired eyes. The dog scooted to the back of the cage, shaking, the weight of the air crushing his lungs, he was terrified.
    "Hey, big guy. You're a real strong sweetie, you know that? You're lucky you were brought in, they thought about putting you down but you were carrying a hurt cat and it's kittens! You're a little hero, you know." She said softly, her voice was sweet and Welsh instantly knew she meant no harm. He stepped slowly closer, looking up at her. "You guys must have been through a lot together, huh?" The blonde woman asked, fixing her bun before slowly placing her hand towards the bars of the cage. The pit whined and licked her softly. For Welsh it was love at first sight, his tail wagged slightly, something about this human seemed to soft and nice, he smiled and she saw it.
    "How would you like to come home with me when this is all over? You and your cat friends? I don't think you guys have anywhere better to be!" The kind woman joked sweetly, Welsh found his tail wagging ever more as his feet gently began stamping on the cage's floor. "I thought you might like that idea. Well, Mommy Wendy will take care of you, sweetie." She cooed excitedly, knowing that she was making a promise to save a few lives.

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