Pure massacre

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I woke up the next morning to go for a run. I went past Zac's house again, he was drumming. However this time Emma was there. I heard her talking to him about me, she said she made a new friend and she was so nice. It brought a smile to my face. Then I heard the sound of them kissing. I don't know why but it made me so jealous. But I love Daniel so I have no clue why I was feeling like this. My face turned red and hot because I was angry. I had to leave before someone heard me.

I walked off still fuming for no reason. I opened the door and saw Daniel hitting a cricket bat in the garden. I walked through to the bedroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a Silverchair t-shirt lol. I walked out to the backyard and Daniel turned around "Woah! You scared me" he laughed. "Oh sorry" I smiled. I picked up the ball and tossed it to him and he hit it. It went right over the fence. Can you believe which house it went into, yes that's right... Zac's house. "Oh shit" Daniel said. "There is no way I am going into that dicks house."

"Daniel it's okay I'll go and get it." I said with a smile. He raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes wide. "You're not serious." He laughed. "Yeah of course I'm serious I'll just knock on the door and ask for it back." I explained. "Fine, just don't say anything else. No conversation because like I said he's a girlfriend snatcher." I laughed and gave him a hug. I grabbed a jacket and walked the same way I walked in the morning. I stopped when I got to his house, opened the gate and walked up the stairs to his front door. His house looked nice with a big white door and a matching white gate. I rung the doorbell and waited.

"Oh um hello yes?" He said stuttering. He leaned up against the door with his shoulder. He was gorgeous. I know, I know I shouldn't say that but it was true. He had longish blonde hair, brown eyes and he was tall. Really tall. I stood there for a second just staring at him. "Uh hello how can I help you?" He asked waiting for me to say something. "Sorry me and my boyfriend, uh sorry my friend, no I mean my boyfriend, were playing cricket and our ball flew over the fence into your garden." I said. Ugh I sound so dumb I hate myself. "Yeahhhh ok well you can come and get it if you like..." He said confused. "Thank you, sorry if I disturbed you." I apologized. "No it's fine nothing to worry about.. I just thought you were a fan..." He said. "A fan?" I asked confused. "Yeah sorry I am in a band and we're pretty popular I just thought maybe my house number got leaked, sorry." Right so he's a drummer in another band and he does sound a bit up himself like Daniel said. "Oh that's cool, what's your band called?" Trying to start conversation even thought Dan told me not to. "We're called Hanson..." He said. No way, Hanson as in fucking mmmbop Hanson. This is unbelievable. "cool" I said hiding the fact I knew exactly who it was.

I grabbed the ball out of his yard and walked back to his front door. Seems as if Emma had left. "Thanks again!" I smiled while walking back out the door. he smiled back, wow he has such an amazing smile. Ok I'll stop now. I still couldn't believe this. I walked back to Dan's house with a smile on my face. "Hey Dan I got the ball!" I called out to him. "Good, what's with the smile on your face?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Can't I smile?" I said as my smile went away. "No I'm just asking." "Oh okay, sorry babe." I said looking down. "Don't worry, he upset you didn't he and you're just trying to hide from me." "No way! Of course he didn't he's a nice person can't you just talk to him like I did!" I yelled as my face turned pale. "huh?" he asked with an angry look.

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