Selfish & hungry

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It's been three weeks. I have not left the house. I have turned my phone off and haven't been on it since I was at the beach. No one has come looking for me. I feel extremely lonely. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have been sitting in the corner of my living room, remembering all the happy memories of me and my mum when I was young. Before she turned evil and stopped caring about me. Well I guess i'll just see how long I last on my own and living off dry stale bread. I sit and cry and wonder if Daniel has found someone new yet. And I wonder if Zac has tried to assault anyone else. I was lucky that Jonathan saved me. He is honestly my best friend. I won't be able to thank him enough.

I don't know where Y/N is. She hasn't been to see me in three weeks. I am really nervous about what's happened to her. Maybe she has fled with someone else.... Zac? This is all my fault, I am hopeless. I tried to protect her from him which made her hate me. And I guess the fact that I didn't want her to talk to him made her want him more. I made him sound mean so she wouldn't leave me. She probably thinks I'm selfish and I most likely scared her away because I was overprotective and angry. She might also have thought I was angry at her... I was always yelling. But I was angry at him for being a stupid girlfriend stealer. Geez this is fantastic once again I have no self control, and I look like a total idiot who has anger management issues. I am not good enough for anyone. I haven't been eating and I have barely been sleeping. When I look in the mirror and I can see everything, nearly all of my bones and a little skin on my body. I run my hand over my ribs, I can feel the indents of my bones as I breath in and out. I feel terrible, lonely, and disgusting. Every night I try to sleep and as I stare up at the ceiling all I can think about is where Y/N is. I have lost everything I have ever loved... Y/N where are you, I need you now.

I don't know what's happened to Y/N. After I basically saved her from almost being raped she ran off before I could ask if she was okay. Fuck Zac, he is such a dickhead. He's gone on tour with his band Hanson. I wonder if he'll find another girl to take advantage of. I can't believe he has such an amazing reputation but he acts like such an ass to everyone except his fans. But who knows maybe he's rude to his fans too I don't know... I'm just worried about Y/N. I wrote a song about what happened. It's called falling away from me. It's about how she must feel and how she was feeling at the time. One day I hope I can expose Zac and ruin him for good. He doesn't deserve the appreciation he's got. I hope he's happy for ruining everyone else's happiness.

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