Beating me

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The next day Emma called me, she told me that Zac had dumpd her. He didn't tell her why though. I felt really bad for her, she loved him but I guess he lost feelings. I always had a feeling he would break her heart. I went down to the beach because I hadn't gone in a while, I sat on the dry sand underneath a small tree. I stayed there for a while and then I accidentally fell asleep. I woke up and I must have got sunburnt because my skin felt really hot. I turned to the right of me to see two legs. I looked up and saw a guy, I grabbed my glasses in a panic and quickly threw them on. It was Zac.

I got up really quickly and almost broke my neck. "Ahhh... w-what are you doing here?" I asked shocked. "I came to find you..." he said smirking. "Umm no no.. You did not.." I said stuttering. "Yeah I did." I kept thinking why on earth is he looking for me.. I didn't even know he knew I existed. I have a really bad feeling about this. "Why on earth did you come to find me?" I asked confused as hell. "Well the other day when you came around to my place I thought you were really cute... and really nice.. and I also thought you were way out of my league but I built up the courage to find you and talk to you..." He said. WOAH ok mate wtf is going on here. This is definitely not ok and needs to be ended right now. "Ok look I don't know why you've come to find me and what your aim is but I have a boyfriend. I told you that ages ago when I came to get my ball." I said sternly. I was hoping he would leave me alone after that.

"Well... He doesn't have to know you catch my drift." He winked. gross... Absolutely disgusting. "Well... I am not a cheater and even if I was I wouldn't do anything with you that's for damn sure.. That's the most horrible thing I've ever heard anyone say." I said as I turned around to leave. "Well we'll see about that..." Then he grabbed my arm and tugged me in towards him. He held the back of my neck and tried to pull me in for a kiss. He was strong but luckily for me not strong enough. I slapped him in the face and then kicked him... You know exactly where I aimed. He yelled very aggressively, then the most horrifying thing happened, I have never felt so lost, I didn't know what to do. He pushed me to the ground and held my arms down above my head. I had no way to escape. Then all of a sudden Zac got pushed off of me and tackled to the ground. It was Jonathan.

He punched Zac and then Zac punched him. Jonathan screamed "You asshole! Stay away from Y/N alright!! You stay away. I am warning you!" really loud. Zac got a shock, stood up and sprinted for his life because he didn't know what was going to happen next. As Zac sprinted I sprinted too, I was out of breath and I felt dirty and disgusting. I now know exactly why Dan hates him, he's evil. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I went home. Yes I know very strange of me but that was the only place I felt safe. It was only safe because my mum had left with her 'boyfriend' so there was no one home. I got the keys I still had. I didn't get rid of them in case of an emergency. I opened the door ran inside and locked the door behind me. I closed all of the blinds so no one could see inside. I felt like I didn't want to be here anymore. I feel like I never want to see or talk to anyone again.

- Hey everyone! Hope you're enjoying this chapter so far. I know Zac would be nothing like this but remember it's just a story. And I needed something bad to happen so just go along with it. I tried to make this not too disturbing. I'll keep updating soon so stay tuned for more! -

Lost & FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora