prank wars pt.1

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I woke up in Daniel's with him cuddled into my chest. I open my eyes and only to see the blinding sun and immediately close them. Well let's pit together the pieces here. My head is pounding, the sun hurts my eyes so much that I'm afraid to open them again, and even the soft snores coming from Daniel, which are normally the cutest thing I have ever hear, are hurting my head. Yup. I'm hella hungover. Without opening my eyes I reach over to the nightstandand feel around until I grab my sunglasses. I put them on and open my eyes. They helped but not a lot. I try to get out of Daniel's grasp without waking him but it doesn't work and his eyes flutter open. He quickly closes them and covers his head with the covers. "Your hungover too huh?" I see him nod  under the covers. "Here,take these and we'll go downstairs and get some Advil." I say handing him his sunglasses. He takes the sunglasses out of my hand,puts them on and sits up slowly. We walk down the stairs slowly only to find four other teenage boys sitting on the couch with there heads in their hands. I walk past them into the bathroom and grab the Advil from the medicine cabinet. I take out two and walk out to give one to Daniel.  He swallows it and weakly smiles at me. "You know one of the best ways to get rid of a hangover is coffee" I say and Jonah's head snaps up and he groans because he threw it up to fast. "Let's uber to Starbucks." He says through his pain. I giggle st his coffee addiction. I call an uber to come pick us up and in about 5 minutes one picks us up.

-----------------------time skip----------------------

We got to Starbucks and I order a chocolate cappuccino and Daniel sticks his nose up at my drink. "What?  Just because you font like chocolate doesn't mean I don't have to" I say. I just shrugs not wanting to fight it. "Hey I gotta pee" Zach says. "Yeah me too" all the boys said. "Can you wait here for the drinks?" Daniel says. "Yeah you guys go pee" I say. Daniel kisses my forehead and thanks me. I find a seat near the front of the store and start scrolling through Instagram. I like a picture that a fan caught of me and Daniel. "What is a pretty lady like you doing sitting all alone?" I hear a voice say behind me. I look behind me to see two teenage boys about my age looking at me."Oh I'm waiting for my friends to get out of the bathroom." I say. "Well thou look lonely. Can we sit with you?"
"Ummm yeah sure" I say pointing to the table. They sit down at the table one across from me the other sitting next to me. I looked at them and just now realized that they looked like identical twins. "So what's you name?" The one across from me asks. "Jasmine, Jasmine Avery. What's you guyses names?" The one next to me answered. "I'm brad, and this is Brendon." He says gestering to his brother. We had a little chit chat before I hear my name called from the lady up at the counter. "Damn is really like to finish our conversation." Brendon said. Brad looks at me. "Can I have your number?" I look at him dumbfounded. "Um yeah I guess." I added him into my phone and put him down as bubba. "Why am I bubba?"
"Because you act like someone that would be called bubba." I say. I add Brendon in my phone as
Brendon Urie😉. "Text me later?" I ask. "Defiantly." They say. "Bye guys"
"Bye" I walk over and grab out drinks while the boys come out of the bathroom. "Why the hell did it take you guys 25 minutes to use the bathroom?"
"Oh um Zach started throwing up and he didn't want us to leave." Jonah says. "I hate being hungover" Zach mumbled. I laughed at the 17 year old boy. "Welcome to having legal friends." I say. He shot me daggers and I handed everyone their drinks. We called an uber to take us back home. When we get back home I  flopped on the couch and Daniel sat next to me. I snuggled into his chest and the rest of the boys sat down. "So wanna watch a movie?" Jonah asks. We all agreed. "What are we gonna watch?" Corbyn says. Me and Jonah look at each other."HARRY POTTER!" we both yelled forgetting that everyone had a headache. "Oh sorry" I say and kiss Daniel's forehead. "Hey that hurt my head too" Zach said. I leaned over Dani and kiss Zach's forehead. "Better?" I ask. "Much."
I giggle and lay back onto Daniel. "Anywho I don't wanna watch harry potter for the nine billionth time so you guys choose  something else." Jack says. "You've only seen it nine billion times. Pff your such a fake fan." I say. "Shut the fuck up" He says. I giggle and put on coco. "Alright fine" Jack says.  None of us really watched the movie we were all just talking. Zach and Jack fell asleep cuddled against each other. I looked in awe at my brother and my son. "S'cute" I say. Everyone looks at the two. Corbyn's phone starts to ring and his face light up. "Guys I gotta take this." He says and leaves the room. "That just leaves me,Jonah,and Dani." I say. "What shall we do now." Jonah looks over at jachary. "Wanna prank them?" Me and Daniel look at each other. "Hell yeah."
"Alright. Daniel you get the bowls of water, jaz you get the whipped cream. I'll try to pry them apart so we can do this." Me and dani run into the kitchen he gets the bowls of water and I grab the whipped cream out of the fridge. We come back out to the living room and Zach was laying on Jack's stomach lightly snoring. I grab Zach's right hand and put it into the bowl of water and take his left hand I fill it with whipped cream. Daniel takes Jack's right hand and puts it in the bowl of water and I take his left hand and fill it with whipped cream. Jonah came over and tickled their noses. Slapped his face and jerked up causing Zach to wake up and itch his face. I look down at Zach's pants to see that they are in fact wet. "OMG ZACH PISSED HIS PANTS." I screamed. The boys looked down and laugh. He got up and stormed to his bedroom. Jack looked at us and I looked down to see that he also peed his pants. I laugh at my brother. "Are you really starting prank wars again?" He asks. "Oh hell yes I am."
"Bring it on bitch" he says looking me dead in the eye. "Bring it on" he runs upstairs probably to take a shower.  "What was that all about?" Jonah asks. "You'll see soon." I say. "You'll see."  My phone dings and I see that I have a message from bubba.
Bubba: hey wyd
Me:nothing why
Bubba: great meet me at the park in 20 minute.
Read 12:35 pm

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