Please don't leave

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It's been a week since the girls left and I miss them a lot. I was currently laying omg bed because I had woken up sick again. This is the 3rd time this week and I'm getting really worried. I called the doctor a couple days ago and I have an appointment later today but I feel to sick to get out of bed. I was about to fall back asleep when my phone goes off. I groan and roll over to grab it. It's Brad. I slide the little green button.
"Hey bubba"
"Hey Jaz do you have anything planned for today?"
"Umm yeah I have a doctor appointment later but then I'm free"
"Cool do you wanna hang out at our place later?"
"I thought your brother was still mad at me"
"Well not that I don't want to hang out with you but my sisters are all like invite over jaz so we can fan girl ooo"
I chuckle at him trying to imitate his sisters.
"Yeah sure I'll be over around 2:30"
"Cool we'll see you then"
I hang up and look at the time 12:30.
Crap my appointment is in half an hour. I roll off the bed and make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower.
I get out and walk over to my dresser just putting on sweats and Daniel's sweatshirt. I throw my hair into a messy bun and make my way downstairs where the boys are sitting on the couch. "Hey where you going?" Zach asks. "Oh I have a doctors appointment" I say back.
"Well have fun"

-------------------time skip to doctors office.

I check in and sit down. "Jasmine Avery" I voice calls out. I get up and follow the lady back to the room. She takes my blood pressure and temperature. She leaves and a few minutes later the doctor comes in.
"Well hello there miss Avery" he says.
"Hi Dr. Turner." I say.
"What seems to be the problem today?" He asks.
"Well I have woken up the past few days and thrown up and felt very lightheaded. And the other night we went out for pizza which is usually one of my favorite meals and it smelled disgusting and tastes even worse. I ended up throwing it away."
He nods and writes something down on his clipboard.
"Now I'm only asking for medical reasons, are you sexually active?" He asks. My heart tightens. And I swallow hard.
"Um, yes Doctor"
"Well I'm sorry to say this to someone your age but you are showing all the signs of pregnancy" he says. "When was the last time you had sex?"
"About three weeks ago" I say. "But that doesn't make sense I was told that I can't get pregnant."
"Well we can do some tests if you like." He says. I nod my head. He calls for the nurse and she takes a little bit of blood. "The tests might take some time so you can stay here if you want or you can go home and we'll call you with the test results." He says. I nod my head and make my way home. I walk into the house and up to my room. I put my phone down on the bed and wait. It felt like hours before my phone rings. I look at the caller id. It says it's from the doctor. I answer the phone.
"Hello is this Jasmine Elizabeth Avery?" The lady asks.
"Yes" I say
" Well we would like to inform you that you are indeed pregnant, congratulations" she says. My heart drops.
"Thank you" I hang up the phone.  I run over to the closet and grab my suitcase. Daniel walks into the room. "Jaz babe what are you doing?" He asks.
"Leaving" His face drops.
"What why, w-where are you going?" He asks.
"I'm not telling you." I say shoving more clothes into my bag. By this point I'm on the verge of tears.
"Did I do something? Because if I was I'm sorry baby Please"
I zip up my suitcase and try to walk out the door bit he grabs my wrist. I turn around. He's crying. "Please don't leave" he says.
"I have to" I say getting out of his grip. I run down the stairs and out the front door. Shoving my suitcases into my trunk I get into the drivers seat and back out the driveway. I wish he knew that I was only doing this for him. For his reputation, his fans. I'm sorry Daniel James Seavey. I love you. Which is why I have to hurt you.

I arrive at the airport and go through all the metal detectors and the bag checks. I walk up to the lady at the desk. "One way ticket to Paris please" I say. "That will be 856 dollars." She says. I hand her the money. As soon as I walk away from the desk there is a voice from the speakers saying that my flight was now boarding. I walk over to the boarding station and hand the lady my ticket. "Enjoy the flight" she says. "Thank you" i say back to her. I board the flight and go to sit in my seat. I check my phone.

7 missed calls from Hoenah
18 missed calls from my son(zach)
20 missed calls from bean
27 missed calls from fart face
48 missed calls from blue eyed baby.

I swipe all of the notifications away and put my phone on airplane mode. Next stop Paris.

I know that this is a short chapter the next one will definitely be a lot longer. promise

❤❤ Autumn

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