Watching April for the night

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JONAH'S POV (surprised yeah so am I)

It's been a couple of days and instead of our manager having to spend money on a hotel we just crashed at Jaz's house. We have to leave tomorrow to go to Germany. I have to admit I really don't want to go. Having Jasmine back in our lives has just made all of us happier. And now we have to leave her. Don't get me wrong I love meeting our fans but I don't want to leave her. After she left Daniel got super depressed. He was in his room all the time and wouldn't come out. Not even to eat and we offered that boy watermelon. I'm pretty sure he was even cutting. But he wouldn't admit it to any of us. I felt so bad for him. He thought that he did something wrong that he was the reason Jasmine left. This is the first time I have seen him this happy in almost two years. I mean we were all pretty beat up about it but, he suffered the worst. My thoughts were interrupted when Jaz walks into the room with April on her hip. April is screaming and crying and it looks like Jaz is on the verge of tears too. I stand up and take April. She stops crying and lays her head on my chest. Jasmine chuckles. "You always did like boys more than me." I laugh at her statement. "Here I'll take April you go take a nap." I say.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive Now go."
"Thank you so much. If you need help you know where I am" she says. She turns around and I admire her. She's wearing short shorts with a hoodie and her hair is in a messy bun. She's still beautiful. I put April on my hip. "Say good night mommy. Say night night" April screams and waves her hand. Jasmine giggles. "Goodnight guys" and with that she walks into her bedroom. "Are you ready for an afternoon with uncle Jonah?" I ask April. She nods and chews on her binki. "You are so fricking cute" I say and she giggles. Zach comes into the room smirking. "What's got you all happy?" I ask him as if on cue Lizzie walks out of the guest room and kisses Zach. Her hair is all messy and she's wearing his sweatshirt. I smirk at him knowing that he smashed.  She sits down next to him and he puts his arm around her. April starts fussing in my arms. "What's wrong baby?" I ask. She points over to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" She nods her head and I take her into the kitchen and make her a bottle. I set her down and she runs into the living room. I start to make myself food when Daniel comes in with April in his arms. He sits down at the island putting April on the counter. "I don't want to leave" he says.  "me neither, I don't think any of us want to leave." I say putting food in front of him. He gives me a weird look. "I promise I'm not trying to poison you, you need to eat we are watching April tonight." He puts April on the floor and eats his food. She starts fussing and he turns around. "What's wrong baby?" She puts her hands up saying she wants to be picked up. "Baby daddy needs to eat his food." She keeps her hands up. I pick her up. "You eat." I demand. He looks at me funny again. "Nice dad voice." He says. I give him a stern look. "Eat." I take April in the living room where Lizzie is stradled over Zach making out. I cover April's eyes. "Jeez guys go to that in the bedroom." And with that they get up and head to the bedroom. "Uncle zach and aunt Lizzie are horny teenagers, yes they are, yes they are" I say to her in baby voice. She giggles at by voice. "Howny tweenagers." Shit.
"No no . Baby don't say that that bad."

"Howny tweenagers"
"April No do not say that"
"Howny tweeeeeenagers"
"Why don't you say something else like puppy." I pick up a puppy toy. "Ooo pretty puppy." She takes the toy from my hands.
Oh thank God. She fusses and I put her down and she runs away. I go back into the kitchen.
"Heeeeeyyy Daniel." He was watching the dishes.
"What did you do?" He looks at me sternly.
"I may or may not have taught April how to say Horny teenagers." I smile at him.
"You dumbass. What do you think Jaz is going to say." I just smile at him again. He scoffs and goes to the living room. Wow he is really mad about this isn't he. Corbyn walks in the room with April.
"Why the hell is April going around telling everyone that uncle Zach and and Lizzie are horny teenagers?" He asks. I smile at him. "Jonah you idiot." Then Jack comes in. Oh god. "Why is Jonah an idiot?" He asks.

"Howny tweenagers" April says yet again.
"Jonah! You taught her that?" I nod my head again. "You are awesome. Jaz is raising her like the fricking queen of England." He picks her up. "Now say the word uncle Jack told you."
"And the other one"
"Good job high five." He high fives the little girl and sets her down. She runs away into the living room. We all look at Jack in disbelief.
"What, my first word was fuck and jaz's first word was bastard. And look at us we turned out fine." We all just seem to except it and hope that Jaz doesn't hear her. Daniel comes back in the room. "Now she's saying fuck and pussy. Unbelievable." Jack raises his hand. "I taught her those a couple of days ago." Daniel stares daggers at Jack and he chuckles at Daniel. "Hey I'm the fun actually related uncle"
"Do you have any idea how mad Jaz is going to be?" He says. Zach walks into the room with April. "Either April can open locked doors or my door doesn't lock" he says. He was only wearing his sweatpants and his hair was all messy. He looked frustrated. Then it hit me.
"Did she walk in on you and Lizzie?" He stares at me. "Yes, now if you don't mind I'm going back to my room, with Lizzie." He says and hands April to Daniel. He practically runs back to his room. I hear a loud slam and we return back to our conversation. April yawns and rubs her eyes. I check the time. "Oh boy it's 1 in the morning we need to get April to sleep." We take her to her room and set her in the crib. She starts screaming and crying. "Daniel go get you guitar" I say. He runs and grabs his gutair. He starts playing trust fund baby acoustic and we sing her to sleep. I see her eyes shut and she her breathing steadies. We walk out of the room quietly and sit on the couch. Daniel sighs. "I really don't want to leave." He says. "Yeah neither do us" we all say. My eyes starts to get heavy and I feel Jack lay his head on my shoulder. I drift off to sleep happy that we finally have had back into our lives.

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