Did You Do It?

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All of us are sitting around waiting for  Daniel and Jasmine to come home. I start to freak out and pace around the room. I'm getting anxious so I decided to call Daniel. After a few rings he picks up and Christina motions for me to put it on speaker.
"What do you want Jack?"
"So uuumm what's going on?"
"Well I'm trying to enjoy a date with the woman I love but her annoying twin brother keeps calling me."
"Well damn you don't have to be rude I just want to know if your joining the Avery clan." I can feel him smile through the phone. That's a good sign right.
"Well I'm not joining the Avery clan. But Jasmine is joining the Seavey clan."
We all start cheering. I start crying from being so happy. Everyone comes over and hugs me. 
"Where are you guys?" Christina asks.
"We just left the beach and we are on our way home now." Jasmine says.
"Hurry up we need to see you two." Jonah says.
"Would you stop being needy we are coming home now.  Goodbye." Jasmine says and Daniel hangs up the phone.
We all start cheering and jumping up and down. I hear crying coming from the twins room.
"Crap we were to loud." I say laughing. 
"Whoops,  now go get your nephew." Christina says. I walk in and as soon as Ethan sees me he stops crying. He starts laughing and puts his hand up signalling for me to pick him up. I pick him up and walk out to the living room. He sees Jonah and instantly reaches out. Jonah takes him.
"Yeah yeah just rub it in that Jonah's your favorite uncle."
Tate goes over and sits next to him.
"You look so cute with a baby on your chest." She says and he smiles.
"I look cute with everything on my chest." She giggles and they kiss. Everyone groans and they break apart.
"Ewww get a room." Christina groans. 
"Why you and Corbyn do that kind of stuff all the time." Jonah says.
"Well yeah but we are allowed to. Because we're married with a daughter. Sooo. Shut up." We all start laughing. Suddenly the front doorknob is jiggled and Jaz and Daniel walk in with huge smiles on their faces. I run over and practically tackle them. Daniel hugs me back really tight. We break apart and look at each other.
"Welcome to the family dude. It's a crazy one but you'll get used to them." I way and he laughs.
"Hunny please I've been used to your family. Plus you mom calls me the son she never had." He says sassily. I look over at Jaz and she nods.
"Well now I need to go call mom and inform that I did in fact come out with a penis um bye."
I walk into  the room and as of on que my mom calls. I pick it up and put it up to my ear.
"Did he do it? Is my baby getting married? Is Daniel going to be my son" Oh god please tell me what happened.  Goddammit Jack  fricking tell me."
"Mom relax I'll tell you on a minute.  Now why did you call Daniel the son you never had?" She's silent.
"That's not important now tell me if my daughter is getting married or not."
I chuckle. 
"Damn mom relax he did it and she said yes." I hear all the girls start screaming over the phone. "Ow guys you just bursted my eardrum."
"When is the wedding? Who's going to be the bridesmaids? Do you think he'll make you best man? Which twin is going to be the ring boy? Are-"
"Guys they just got back ok if you have questions call Jaz or Daniel ok goodbye."
"Bye love you." I hang up the phone and walk back out. All the girls are in a group admiring Jaz's ring and the guys are over congratulating Daniel. I hope over and snuggle into Daniels shoulder.
"Uum dude,  what you doing?"
"Shhh just let me accept you into the clan." I say. Jasmine grabs me.
"Jack please stop being insane I'm the insane twin. Besides excepting him into the clan is moms job."
"Our right but I-" I say but Christina interrupts me.
"Alright you two shut up, Jonah put the kid back to bed,  and Daniel tell me where you keep the alcohol we need to celebrate." Jonah goes into the twins room and Daniel takes Christina to get the alcohol. I look over at Jaz and start crying again. She comes over and his me.
"I can't believe your getting married,  to one of my best friends." She hugs me tighter. 
"Me neither." Daniel and Christina come back in the room.
"Let's partyyy." Christina yells.
"But not to hard cause there's three one year olds and a five years old in the back yaayy." Jaz yells. Everyone laughs.
"You sound like such a mom." I say.
"Your sister sounds like a mom."  She says.
"That's what I just said but whatever." I grab the scotch and pour myself a drink while everyone else pours  themselves a drink.
"To dasmine, the best damn ship I've seen since bughead." Everyone looks at me weird. "Jasmine forced me to watch Riverdale and I fell in love with it." Everyone nods there heads and puts in there glass.
"To dasmine."


So this is kind of a short chapter but I'm still dying go decide if I want to make a sequel,prequel, or just continue it so they might be short for a little bit.


Just Another Dayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن